Socialism 2008
Saturday 8 November – Sunday 9 November
University of London Union, Malet Street London WC1
Nearest tube: Euston or Goodge Street
Registration opens 12 noon
Rally for socialism
Saturday 8 November
Speakers include Matt Wrack (FBU general secretary) and Peter Taaffe (Socialist Party general secretary)
Euston Friends Meeting House
173 Euston Road, London
Whole weekend (£25 waged or £12 unwaged/low wage)
One day only (£15 waged or £7 unwaged/low wage)
Rally for socialism only (£5)
Sessions at Socialism 2008 will include:
- The first and second internationals
- The rise and fall of the Comintern
- The fourth international and after
Fighting the far right
- How to fight the BNP
- What is fascism?
- Why does racism exist?
- Rising dragon – is China the world’s new superpower? (with Paul Mason, author of Live working, die fighting)
- What happened at Tiananmen Square?
- The NHS at 60
- Fight for a new workers’ party
- Building a fightback in the unions
The Middle East
- Could we see another war?
- Iranian revolution 1978-79
- History of workers’ struggles
1968 anniversaries
- Prague spring
- France may days
- The fight for civil rights in the US
Introducing socialism
- Was Stalinism inevitable?
- Is revolution still possible today?
- The socialist case for nationalisation
Other sessions
- Crash!
- What will turmoil in the world economy mean for workers?
- Pakistan and the permanent revolution today
- US: does Obama’s candidacy mean the end of racism in the US?
- Defend and extend abortion rights (with Abortion Rights and Socialist Women)
- The great Olympic swindle: a review of Beijing and what 2012 could be like here
- Art and revolution
- Where now for the Bolivian revolution?
- Is Georgia the start of a new cold war?
- Greece: a new wave of struggle
- Introducing Marxist philosophy
- LGBT session: 20 years since section 28
- Introducing Marxist economics
- Science, Marxism and the big bang
Closing rallies
- 70 years since the foundation of the fourth international: building a workers’ international today.
- Building working class political representation hosted by the campaign for a new workers’ party.