IN AN unprecedented move, the Canadian governor general, Michaelle Jean, used her ‘royal’ powers as a representative of Britain’s Queen, to prorogue (suspend) the country’s parliament until 26 January in order to allow the right wing prime minister, Stephen Harper, to cling on to power.
This undemocratic action enabled Harper’s minority Conservative government to see off an opposition vote of no confidence that was set for 8 December. This vote was expected to lead to the collapse of the minority Conservative government, just two months after it was elected.
While not in any way endorsing the pro-big business policies of the would-be coalition government in-waiting, socialists oppose the reactionary and undemocratic actions of the Harper government and the governor general. For instance, Harper wanted to ban public sector strikes for three years.
The suspension of parliament is a stark warning to the workers’ movement in Canada and internationally of the measures right wing governments are prepared to employ to defend their class interests.