Prague 2000 – Take direct action – End Profit System
WHILE PROTESTS against fuel prices were taking place in France and Britain, 10, 000 protesters blockaded the entrance to the Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia. They disrupted the meeting of the World Economic Forum, a group of unelected, bureaucrats, including representatives of 1000 multinational companies. Along with the World Bank and IMF, this ‘global economic think tank’ is hell bent on promoting and implementing policies of privatisation and deregulation.
Protesters were dealt with in the same brutal fashion meted out by robocops on previous anti capitalist demos in Seattle, and Washington. They are preparing for more of the same when protesters converge on the IMF meeting in Prague on 26th September
The growing wave of direct action protests show that anger is growing against the corrupt elite capitalist system. Last week in an obvious attempt to defuse the growing anti-capitalist protests, the World Bank and IMF promised debt relief to the 20 poorest countries by the end of the year. But a year ago Western governments promised debt relief to 24 countries and just 10 have received anything at all.
These international protests directed at the capitalist institutions show the anger at a profit system which is run for the rich. Capitalism is incapable of ending exploitation, and poverty The obscene wealth gap between rich and poor is right at the core of the capitalist system. To be anti capitalist you have to fight to replace this system with a Socialist society.This means working class people organising to take the wealth out of the hands of the rich minority who own and control society. Then they could run society on the basis of need not profit.