Anti Bin Tax Campaigns Thank Bin Workers; Call for End to Non-Collection and Jailings

From the Socialist Party (CWI Ireland) website

Dublin City Campaign Against the Bin Charges · Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown Campaign Against Service Charges · South Dublin Campaign Against Refuse Charges · Fingal Anti Bin Tax Campaign

THE BIN depot blockades of the last 48 hours have put the issues of the unjust jailings and the Councils’ discriminatory non-collection policy firmly back onto the political agenda.

We wish to thank Dublin’s bin workers who showed their clear opposition to the jailings and to the policy of non-collection over the last 48 hours despite management bullying, payroll suspensions and threats to use private contractors.

Although depot blockades will not be organised again this week, the ability of anti bin tax campaigners and bin workers united to cause massive disruption to the service will be displayed again if the Councils’ policy of non-collection and the jailings don’t stop.

The ball is now clearly back in the court of the Government and the Councils. Estate blockades will, however, continue on a daily basis.

For further information, contact Cllr. Ruth Coppinger (Secretary) at 087 673 0187 or Michael Murphy at 087 6762449

Council Official Openly Breaks the Law

Dublin City Campaign Against the Bin Charges

AT GRANGEGORMAN City Council Depot soon after 12 noon today Management ordered Bin Workers to drive trucks out of the depot, i.e. to cross a picket line of anti-Bin Tax protestors. The workers refused to do so.

Consequent on this an Official of Dublin City Council got into a truck and drove it through the picket. No one was injured in the incident.

There is severe anger among the City Council Workers at Grangegorman, who report that the man involved is not licensed or insured to drive the truck involved – a clear breech of the law with serious Health and Public Safety implications.

Protests continue across Dublin City Council depots, preventing bin collections. At Collins Ave a stand off in progress with a large number of uniformed and plain clothes Gardai threatening protestors with arrest.