Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, January 17, 2025

A Strategy to Defeat the Cuts

Think cuts won’t affect you? Think again…

Just some of the many services facing major cuts are: adult education, benefits for the disabled, bus services, Citizen's Advice Bureau, children's services, coastguard services, domestic violence services, English for Speakers of Other Languages, EMA, fire services, flood defences, help for rough...

Worst cuts since 1920s…

This government has declared war our living standards. Public sector workers, and many in the private sector, face huge job losses, pay freezes and attacks on their pensions...

And privatise what’s left…

Alongside the cuts the Tories are planning mass privatisation. Part of the reason for the cuts in public sector workers pay, conditions and pensions is to make buying up public services a more attractive...

Why are the Con-Dems doing this?

Before the general election David Cameron tried to claim that the Tory party had changed and was no longer the brutal anti-working class party of the 1980s...

How can we stop them?

The government is trying to cow the working class by the sheer scale of the cuts. Two thirds of public-sector bodies are reported to be making job cuts...

Oppose all cuts in jobs, services, pay and conditions!

United we are strong, divided we will be defeated. The government knows that and is desperate to divide us - public sector from private sector, old from young, benefit claimants from everyone else.....

Step up the community campaigns – organise, demonstrate, occupy!

Most campaigns to save local services rightly start with petitions and meetings. To win, however, usually requires further action...

For a 24 hour public sector general strike!

The trade unions in Britain have enormous potential power. They organise over six million workers who, if they go on strike, can potentially bring the country to a halt...

For a mid-week national demonstration

Unfortunately, however, the biggest public sector unions have not yet made any proposals to ballot on pensions...

No to the anti-trade union laws

We have the most repressive anti-trade union laws in Europe, introduced by the last Tory government and maintained by New Labour...

For fighting, democratic trade unions

If the whole of the trade union movement, from top to bottom, was to launch a serious struggle against the cuts it would be impossible for the government to implement its programme...

For councillors who vote against cuts

Central government funding to local councils is being slashed by 27% over four years. More than 200,000 job losses have been announced in local authorities...

Set a ‘needs budget’

All of these measures, and many more, could be carried out by using councils' legal powers. However, alone, legal powers would not be enough...

Lessons of Liverpool, Lambeth and Poplar for today

Today councillors can no longer be surcharged unless they are found guilty of financial crime for personal gain...

Support anti-cuts candidates – for Trade Unionist and Socialists Against Cuts

Only a third of the population think cuts are necessary, yet in the local elections in five weeks time, all of the candidates from the main parties will be supporting cuts...

A socialist alternative to the cuts

To be fully effective, a workers' party would need to put forward socialist ideas. Socialists do not accept that cuts are necessary...

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