Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Socialist Party Audio files

Council cuts continue... So must the fightback

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1070, 22 January 2020

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 Council cuts continue So must the fightback.mp3

02 Police issue counter-terror guidance against.mp3

03 End climate change, end inequality, end.mp3

04 Capitalism fails NHS services in Liverpool scrap.mp3

05 Them & Us Them Rich live longer Wealthy.mp3

06 & us A&E waiting time solved! A&E waiting.mp3

07 Editorial of the Socialist, issue 1070 To win.mp3

08 Eyewitness report workers’ struggle in France on.mp3

09 France striker speaks real, deep anger needs.mp3

10 Iraq – a brutal legacy of imperialist.mp3

11 India Huge general strike but a missed.mp3

12 Royal Mail workers to reballot for strike action.mp3

13 Renewing the left in PCS Dave Semple, PCS.mp3

14 Fight continues after win against academisation.mp3

15 Belfast Hovis workers’ all-out strike Hovis.mp3

16 Westex strikers read the Socialist Members of.mp3

17 Ealing tax office strike continues Ealing tax.mp3

18 Time to make a stand set legal no-cuts council.mp3

19 If you think bus and rail services are crap,.mp3

20 Building Tamil Solidarity with youth and the.mp3

21 The Socialist inbox Letters to the Socialist’s.mp3

22 Real socialism Even Blairite Jess Philips now.mp3

23 Defend pensions Everyone has been enthused by.mp3

24 Prevent attacks Not only did the British state.mp3

25 Prevent propaganda In the light of the recently.mp3

26 Unhealthy research A recent Wellcome Trust.mp3

27 Robert Burns of the people, for the people The.mp3

28 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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