Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, February 14, 2025

Socialist Party Audio files

Launching a political alternative to cuts, poverty and job losses

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1119, 3 February 2021

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 TUSC conference Launching a political.mp3

02 Why I am attending the TUSC local elections.mp3

03 South Yorks TUSC ready for electoral fight Chris.mp3

04 Editorial of the Socialist issue 1119 Workers’.mp3

05 Socialist Students open letter to Rent Strike.mp3

06 Tories’ ’emergency’ funding is peanuts Theo.mp3

07 VCs’ fee interest freeze is nowhere near enough.mp3

08 Children in care Privatisation is not working.mp3

09 Multimillion-pound rental firm demands thousands.mp3

10 Covid outbreak at Kent asylum detention centre.mp3

11 Emergency motion Here is an edited version of an.mp3

12 New anti-protest law State forces want more.mp3

13 Usdaw union conference stripped of democracy by.mp3

14 Socialist Party members in Usdaw have written the.mp3

15 Usdaw Broad Left rally brings together those.mp3

16 Strong union lead needed to stop DVLA Covid.mp3

17 HMRC We demand a pay rise without cuts to terms.mp3

18 Workers fight British Gas ‘fire-and-rehire’ plans.mp3

19 Liverpool Around 50 British Gas engineers took.mp3

20 Leicester Leicester Socialist Party members are.mp3

21 Vote Steve Hedley for RMT general secretary The.mp3

22 The NEU’s ‘big announcement’ – lessons need to be.mp3

23 Yorkshire aerospace workers strike against pay.mp3

24 Workplace news in brief Hackney education.mp3

25 Sage care strike Care workers from Sage Nursing.mp3

26 Passport walkout Passport control staff at.mp3

27 The Communist Manifesto – A guide to.mp3

28 1971 Rolls-Royce crisis – when the Tories.mp3

29 GameStop Billionaires hurt at their own game.mp3

30 Capitalists still in control The comeuppance of.mp3

31 Mini-revolution in murky world of finance capital.mp3

32 The Socialist Inbox Do you have something to say.mp3

33 Capitalist governments turned blind eye to.mp3

34 Council cuts could easily be stopped Liverpool.mp3

36 Why we need the Socialist I congratulate.mp3

37 35-hour week Regarding the article by Gary Clark.mp3

38 EU and UK ministers scrap over vaccine supplies.mp3

39 New members meeting in the South West – preparing.mp3

40 Why I rejoined the Socialist Party Kieran Barlow,.mp3

41 Help us raise the funds to fuel the working-class.mp3

42 Save our square we need social housing and.mp3

44 Stop Labour council’s eviction of Stratford.mp3

45 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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