Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Socialist Party Audio files

NHS crisis, mass sackings, violence against women... Protesting is not a crime

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1126, 24 March 2021

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 NHS crisis mass sackings violence against.mp3

02 Defying the anti-protest restrictions Newcastle.mp3

03 Police attempt to silence mothers Following a.mp3

04 Police invade student homes As if we students.mp3

05 Tories 1% and Labour’s £500 are pay insults NHS.mp3

06 Fighting NHS privatisation Keep York urgent care.mp3

07 Haringey Hands off our GP practices Nasso.mp3

08 Fighting sexual harassment and gender violence on.mp3

09 A student’s experience Rachel Gambling, Essex.mp3

10 University of Birmingham Reclaiming Our Campus.mp3

11 Justice for Blessing Olusegun Following the.mp3

12 Film Review Moxie A springboard for discussion.mp3

13 Battle for a fighting, anti-austerity Liverpool.mp3

14 Why I am standing for TUSC Working-class people.mp3

15 Help fund the Socialist Party’s stand as part of.mp3

16 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune When the.mp3

17 Lessons of the 2011 pensions strike when workers.mp3

18 PCS elections increased support for Broad Left.mp3

19 Engineering workers strike against ‘fire and.mp3

20 Sleep-ins ruling must lead to a huge campaign for.mp3

21 Shrewsbury Pickets win Convictions overturned.mp3

22 No let up as sparks continue protests against.mp3

23 Beal High school strike as management refuse to.mp3

24 Preparing to organise workers in Enfield Josh.mp3

25 Support victimised bus driver reps and Socialist.mp3

26 Goodlord workers continue all-out strike.mp3

26 Save John Carroll – fight is far from over!.mp3

27 Stop evictions and drop the debts Join London.mp3

28 Online meeting – Ending violence against women,.mp3

29 Socialist Party regional conferences meet online.mp3

30 The Socialist Inbox Do you have something to say.mp3

31 Tory government – seriously annoying The new.mp3

32 Women and the Met It’s impossible to overlook.mp3

33 Abolish the Lords Tory health minister Lord.mp3

34 End gender pay inequality Outrageously, the.mp3

35 Turkey – protection for women withdrawn On 20.mp3

36 Bristol SEV ban Bristol City Council is.mp3

37 Justice march Over 100,000 Australians recently.mp3

38 Dented shield Government financial support for.mp3

39 Zoomed out As a lifelong Labour member, I am.mp3

40 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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