Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Socialist Party Audio files

Pay NHS staff 15%!

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1128, 7 April 2021

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 Pay NHS staff 15%! Vote socialist on 6 May 100,.mp3

02 Racism exists! Unite to fight all inequality.mp3

03 Report condones vigil police violence -.mp3

04 Low-paid workers shouldn’t pay for Covid crisis.mp3

05 The system is broken youth unite and fight.mp3

06 Fighting Fund An amazing £39,948 raised.mp3

07 Sexism in education It shouldn’t be like this!.mp3

08 Pimlico Academy protests Run by racists for.mp3

10 Academy schools have become business ventures.mp3

11 Defiance continues against anti-protest bill.mp3

12 Sheffield As protests against the Police,.mp3

13 London Thousands poured past Speakers’ Corner,.mp3

14 Cheltenham At least 200, mainly young women,.mp3

15 Northampton Northampton Socialist Party members.mp3

16 York Socialist Party members attended the latest.mp3

17 London #BuhariMustGo protests are back Helen.mp3

18 Councillors have a choice – don’t vote for cuts.mp3

19 Council workers – defend jobs and services, fight.mp3

20 Kick profit out of social care, fight for care.mp3

21 Housing – councils have the powers to tackle the.mp3

22 Fire safety – councils have the responsibility.mp3

23 Retail – councils should fight to defend.mp3

24 Former Labour parliamentary candidate to stand.mp3

25 NEU elections Elect a socialist leadership to.mp3

26 GMB general secretary election A fighting,.mp3

27 Sparks take deskilling protests to Hinkley Point.mp3

28 Marley Tiles workers strike against bullying.mp3

29 New British Gas deadline and strike dates.mp3

30 Bristol Water walkout GMB members at Bristol.mp3

31 Childcare in crisis A socialist solution.mp3

32 Life in lockdown Our son hasn’t properly seen.mp3

33 Right-wing Labour and Tory commissioners out of.mp3

34 ‘We need more democracy, not less’ Socialist.mp3

35 Liverpool needs a socialist mayor Socialist.mp3

36 1981 Brixton riots Racism and poverty – the.mp3

37 Brazil Bolsonaro regime plunges into a deeper.mp3

38 The Socialist Inbox Do you have something to say.mp3

39 Peanuts for lockdown Mum I work in a shop In.mp3

40 Frozen I got a letter to say that our council.mp3

41 Long history of police power Police and Crime.mp3

42 Child poverty Welsh Labour’s failed strategy.mp3

43 Housing companies bend profit The Stevenage.mp3

44 Labour joke Some great comedic writing on Labour’.mp3

45 Racism commission concludes The Commission on.mp3

46 Tory cruelty Priti Patel’s new plans state that.mp3

47 Welcome Eugene! Socialist Party members Iain.mp3

48 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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