Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Socialist Party Audio files

Fight the rotten establishment

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1132, 5 May 2021

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 Editorial of the Socialist issue 1132 Capitalist.mp3

02 Unite general secretary election nomination stage.mp3

03 The election timetable Nomination period.mp3

04 Unison We need a fighting, democratic, member-.mp3

05 Socialist Party members are campaigning on the.mp3

06 Socialist Party members contesting the.mp3

07 Four Socialist Party members elected to NEU.mp3

08 Biden’s policies will not solve underlying US.mp3

09 Colombia Mass trade union-led protests force tax.mp3

10 Covid, capitalism and mental health Max.mp3

11 The system discriminates – we need democratic.mp3

12 We need investment for a generation of trauma-.mp3

13 Cuts and cronyism Fight the rotten establishment.mp3

14 Hands off our NHS The private sector vampires.mp3

15 New law ignores economic barriers to escaping.mp3

16 Cladding Tories refuse to protect leaseholders.mp3

17 Victimised, bullied and discriminated – St.mp3

18 Goodlord strike forces talks – solidarity needed.mp3

19 Sparks block Cardiff building site against.mp3

20 Vote ‘yes’ in the PCS DWP ballot Katrine.mp3

21 PCS ballot closes 13 May – vote Broad Left.mp3

22 Beal High School strike against punitive sick.mp3

23 Go Ahead offers deal to Manchester bus drivers -.mp3

24 Metroline buses to face summer of strikes unless.mp3

25 Can the ‘Preston model’ beat the cuts Adam.mp3

26 Bellway must pay! Make our homes safe! Ruth.mp3

27 Police attempt to intimidate Newcastle protesters.mp3

28 Nottingham NHS pay protest Members of two Unison.mp3

29 Establishing factory sales of the Socialist in.mp3

30 Plaque dedicated to Tony Mulhearn Dave Walsh,.mp3

31 Why you should join the Socialist Party Alex.mp3

32 Defend the right to protest – to resist bosses’.mp3

33 The Socialist Inbox Do you have something to say.mp3

34 I’m in a non-union workplace For the first time.mp3

35 Amazon profits triple while its workers suffer.mp3

36 Johnson’s lavish flat refurb Boris Johnson has.mp3

37 Barclays makes billions – what about the rest of.mp3

38 The government has stolen miners’ pensions A.mp3

39 Overcrowding and low pay Covid rising in working-.mp3

40 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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