Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Socialist Party Audio files

Unite to fight Tory pay insults - build for strike action

Audio files for The Socialist issue 1143, 28 July 2021

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 Labour expulsions confirm need for new mass.mp3

02 ‘Pingdemic’ exemptions We need workers’ control.mp3

03 Tories and Labour fail on child poverty Ella.mp3

04 Nationality and borders bill Defend the right to.mp3

05 London floods Privatisation and heavy rain are a.mp3

06 Jobs and homes for all Protest on 9 October.mp3

07 Public sector pay NHS, teachers – Prepare for.mp3

08 Socialist Party members in the trade unions made.mp3

09 My conversations with members are favouring a yes.mp3

10 The 3% award from the government is an absolute.mp3

11 Labour won’t defend our NHS The NHS pay review.mp3

12 Pay rise must be fully funded by government The.mp3

13 Doctors consulted over strike action Hospital.mp3

14 Teachers Pay freeze insult The school teachers’.mp3

15 Civil Service pay freeze 3% for NHS workers is.mp3

16 Local government – in reality a pay cut Unison.mp3

17 Model trade union motion Can you assist in.mp3

18 Unite to fight Tory pay insults Build for strike.mp3

19 Unison’s new left NEC meets – Organise the fight.mp3

20 PCS union Government departments move to impose.mp3

21 Further education set for industrial action over.mp3

22 Cuban protests – what do they represent Tony.mp3

23 Sheffield University UCU will fight closure of.mp3

24 Bexley bin workers strike for better pay Berkay.mp3

25 Fight Freeports to stop bonfire of workers’.mp3

26 Flood devastation in Europe Capitalism.mp3

27 Israel Hospital ancillary workers’ strike.mp3

28 In brief News, reports and analysis from the.mp3

29 South Africa Riots and looting a dead end -.mp3

30 Tunisia coup On 25 July, Tunisia’s president,.mp3

31 Thousands march to Reclaim Pride Sarah O’Neill,.mp3

32 Tower Hamlets Labour backs Tory cuts and housing.mp3

33 East London resident fighting eviction again.mp3

34 Barnsley ‘Big Green Space’ protest Angie Waller,.mp3

35 Youth Fight for Jobs is officially relaunched.mp3

36 Selling the Socialist Hereford I was very.mp3

37 Scottish socialist breaks running record Leah.mp3

38 TV Review Stateless blames mismanagement rather.mp3

39 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3

Audio issue listing


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