Audio issue listing | Back issues
01 Fight for the pay rise we deserve Sheila Caffrey,.mp3
02 Workers need a pay rise Prepare for coordinated.mp3
03 Local Government John Dolan, care support worker,.mp3
04 NHS NHS Physician Associate, Brighton Socialist.mp3
05 Further Education Liam Oldfield, non-teaching FE.mp3
06 Probation Adam Harmsworth, Napo national.mp3
07 Editorial of the Socialist issue 1151 Cynical.mp3
08 Pandora property speculators fuel housing crisis.mp3
09 Social care funding needed now Rosa, Gateshead.mp3
10 News in brief MPs list Covid failings Workers’.mp3
11 Private healthcare rip-off £400 million a month.mp3
12 Make the super-rich pay The government’s excuse.mp3
13 Who runs Unison lay members or the paid.mp3
14 Unison right-wing bureaucracy attacks the left at.mp3
15 Unite policy conference 2021 Place Unite at the.mp3
16 Oaks Park pickets vote for more strikes to defeat.mp3
17 National Education Union deputy general secretary.mp3
18 College strikes continue into third week.mp3
19 60 steelworks scaffs march in second week of all-.mp3
20 DVLA Workers ballot on further strike action.mp3
21 Build a mass working-class climate movement with.mp3
22 Hundreds march with Youth Fight for Jobs Youth.mp3
23 London The protest started outside the.mp3
24 Cardiff Cardiff University Socialist Students.mp3
25 Bristol There was a constant stream of people.mp3
26 Leeds One student said We’re made to chase.mp3
27 Southampton Chloe, a college student, said I’.mp3
28 Glasgow Glasgow hosted Scotland’s first Youth.mp3
29 Swansea Youth Fight for Jobs worked alongside.mp3
30 Liverpool The Youth Fight for Jobs rally joined.mp3
31 Mansfield Young people, the youngest aged 12,.mp3
32 Brighton Our plan was ambitious – a flying.mp3
33 The ‘winter of discontent’ – When workers could.mp3
34 Hackney Stop closure of Fernbank and Hillside.mp3
35 Durning Hall Hands off our community space.mp3
36 March to save Stratford arts jobs from Newham.mp3
37 Newcastle United takeover – no to billionaire.mp3
38 Ridley Road An engaging story of fighting.mp3
39 Readers’ comments Tough for some Life is tough.mp3
40 Unplanned capitalist chaos Bristol’s bus service.mp3
41 The problem with school I’m a Year 11 secondary.mp3
42 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3