Audio issue listing | Back issues
01 Determined UCU strikers We’re out to win! Sam.mp3
02 Keishia Taylor, UCU striker and UCL PhD student,.mp3
03 Below is the text of a leaflet by Socialist Party.mp3
04 UCU strike continues set dates for next national.mp3
05 St Andrews UCU’s industrial action to defend.mp3
06 Socialist Party congress 2018 The Socialist.mp3
07 World in crisis volatility prepares the way for.mp3
08 Britain Corbyn surges and Tories’ weakness mean.mp3
09 Italian elections create huge political shake-up.mp3
10 Spain millions on streets against sexism and.mp3
11 Spring Statement 2018 Tory austerity staggers on.mp3
12 Profits up Wages down Link up the fightbacks -.mp3
13 Sainsbury’s raise really a cut fight for £10.mp3
14 Zero out of 15,000 new homes ‘affordable’ in.mp3
15 What we saw The Mexican communist and artist.mp3
16 15 years since the invasion of Iraq what we said.mp3
17 Woolwich ferry workers win automation campaign A.mp3
18 Leaked NHS pay deal fight for a genuine pay rise.mp3
19 We feel that we will win – a Merseyrail striker.mp3
20 Workplace news in brief Hinkley sit-in A two-.mp3
21 Newham academies The battle against academies.mp3
22 What we saw In his diatribe against Len.mp3
23 Continuing the fighting tradition of working.mp3
24 Birmingham Birmingham Socialist Party,.mp3
25 Seeing-off the bigoted, billionaire toff! Lily.mp3
26 Derby public meeting Women’s Lives Matter Kelly.mp3
27 Swansea Labour council votes for cuts Alec.mp3
28 Campaigners continue to demand Chorley A&E is.mp3
29 Leicester Blairites block Labour Party democracy.mp3
30 Building Fund appeal Members dig deep into their.mp3
31 ‘Donating is an honour’ Dear comrades, I.mp3
32 International Women’s Day The Socialist Inbox.mp3
33 Education escape My progress as a woman.mp3
34 Tory record Thursday 8 March 2018 the famed.mp3
35 Collective value When we demand change we don’.mp3
36 Fiction South Atlantic Requiem Gripping spy.mp3
37 What the Socialist Party stands for The.mp3