The Socialist issue 307
5 July 2003
Bosses Get £Millions: Workers Get Sacked
TWO GROUPS of vitally important workers could face huge job cuts, just as the crisis in Britain’s capitalist economy gets worse, writes Roger Shrives.
Kick Low Pay Out Of The NHS
Fuel price rises provoke general strike in Nigeria
LGBT rights: ‘Family values’ fears produce confused equality measures
Socialism 2003: Enjoyable And Inspiring
“There’s A Woman Out There Asking Questions!”
Rail Union’s Historic Rule Change
Glad to be groovy at TGWU conference
Building A Mass Alternative To New Labour
Israel/Palestine: What’s Behind The ‘Ceasefire’?
SATs conference: End These Nightmare Tests
Iraq: Who’s Winning The War Of Occupation?
Northern Ireland; Has The Peace Process Permanently Stalled?