Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Socialist issue 407: March against war, terror and racism

The Socialist issue 407

15 September 2005

spotMarch against war, terror and racism

“THE WORLD seems to have gone crazy.” How many people have said that over the last few weeks?

spotPoverty Kills

ANOTHER DISASTER is looming. It’s not a tsunami or a hurricane or a ‘natural’ disaster. This is a disaster that will kill 4.4 million of the world’s…

spotAftermath of hurricane Katrina: a window on the future under capitalism

The article below is an abridged version of articles written for a special supplement of Justice, the newspaper of Socialist Alternative (CWI USA)

spotEducation: Fight Blair’s ‘market forces’ solution

COMPREHENSIVE STATE education, a historic gain for working-class families, has been under attack for decades…

spotNew Labour aims to privatise Job Centres

JANICE GODRICH, president of civil service union PCS and Mark Serwotka, the general secretary, called a special press conference at TUC conference to show how far New Labour will go to smash the welfare state…

spotLabour’s 1945 landslide

MANY OLDER workers still remember the 1945-51 Labour government in Britain – memories of its reforms help maintain a degree of support for the Labour Party. My personal experience shows why.

spotNorthern Ireland: Riots show failure of peace process

THE SCENES in Belfast and other Northern Ireland towns last weekend give a stark warning that the ‘peace process’ could at some point unravel and be quickly replaced by widespread sectarian conflict…

spotSouth African workers gatecrash capitalists’ party

South Africa: IN THE biggest strike wave since 1996, South African workers recently went onto the offensive demanding a share of the economic boom…

spotCampaign to stop European Nazi camp

IN MAY 2005, four neo-fascist European groups (NPD from Germany, Forza Nueva from Italy, Falanx from Spain and Chrisi Avgi from Greece) announced that they would organise their first European Youth Camp on 16-18 September in…

spotFarcical Egyptian election dents Bush’s Middle East strategy

WITH 89% of the votes, Egypt’s first contested presidential election on September 7th could have been a crushing victory for Hosni Mubarak…


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