The Socialist issue 419
8 December 2005
Save our NHS!
THIS GOVERNMENT’S health policies are threatening hospital and ward closures and privatisations of NHS services around Britain…
Strike back at Labour’s attacks
Local government workers’ pensions: LAST WEEK the government announced more attacks on the local government pensions scheme…
Is there a pensions crisis?
THE GOVERNMENT have launched an all-out attack on pensions. Whilst they sit on one of the best public-sector pensions schemes available,…
Sign up to the campaign
Campaign for a new workers’ party: THIS WEEK, eight members of the National Executive Committee of NATFHE (the further and higher education union) have signed up to the declaration in support of the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party…
Brown’s low growth, low wage budget
IN THIS week’s pre-Budget statement, Chancellor Gordon Brown was forced to admit that economic growth would be far lower than he predicted in his April Budget…
Domestic violence: Change in sentencing guidelines a step forward
The government has finally issued new guidelines to judges and courts on sentencing for manslaughter…
George Best
GEORGE BEST’s funeral took place on 3 December in Belfast. Tens of thousands lined the streets to show their appreciation of his talent,…
Tories elect ‘Blair-lite’ leader
NEW LABOUR has been stealing Tory policies for well over a decade but for the last few months the Tories have been cloning copies of Tony Blair to choose yet another new leader…
Now working class and poor must build real socialism
HUGO CHÁVEZ has won his eleventh election victory since becoming president of Venezuela in 1998…
Brazil: Growing crisis over Lula government’s corruption scandal
André Ferrari of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI, Brazil) and a leading activist on the Executive Committee of P-SOL – the country’s new left-wing party – recently spoke to Sociali…
Solidarity with Irish Ferries workers
AROUND SIXTY Welsh trade unionists showed their support and solidarity with Irish Ferries workers at a rally in Pembroke Dock, called by the Wales TUC and International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)…
Victory for Andy Beadle as he wins his job back
BUS DRIVER Andy Beadle won his job back, with full back pay, at his appeal last week…
Sixth week of caretakers’ strike
THE STRIKE over pay by caretakers at Huddersfield College is now entering its sixth week…
PCS Left Unity conference backs union leadership on pensions
NORMALLY A meeting of a union broad left would be of interest mainly to left activists in that particular union but last Saturday’s 150-strong national conference of the PCS broad left (Left Unity) was…