Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist, issue 524: End the occupation

Articles from the Socialist, issue 524

12 March 2008


Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan


Called by Stop the War Coalition, CND, BMI

Saturday 15 March, assemble 12noon, Trafalgar Square, London WC2

spotEnd the occupation

Anti-War demonstration 19 March 2005, photo Paul Mattsson

Anti-War demonstration 19 March 2005, photo Paul Mattsson

Five years of hell: The billions wasted on war and nuclear weapons should be spent on improving public services…

spotGaza – end the bloodshed!

spotIraq, Afghanistan: The bitter fruits of war and occupation

spotSchool student strikes

spotUS & UK students in anti-war protest

Workplace news and analysis

spotFight for a living wage!

PCS workers on strike. Mark Serwotka, (top row, third from left) joins strikers, photo Paul Mattsson

PCS workers on strike. Mark Serwotka, (top row, third from left) joins strikers, photo Paul Mattsson

DWP staff on strike 17-18 March: Civil service union PCS members in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are livid that management have refused to engage in pay talks, writes Katrine Williams, PCS DWP Wales secretary, personal capacity.

spotCoastguards strike

spotLand Registry votes to reject pay offer

spotWales further education pay dispute: Vote ‘yes’ in strike ballot

Andrew Price speaking at Socialist Party congress 2008, photo Paul Mattsson

Andrew Price speaking at Socialist Party congress 2008, photo Paul Mattsson

Welsh members of the University and College Union (UCU) employed in the Further Education (FE) sector, are currently voting in a strike ballot in a pay dispute declared by their union with the Welsh employers’ body fforwm, writes Andrew Price, UCU Wales lay negotiator on FE pay.

spotShelter workers’ strike success

spotPrison officers reject pay offer

John Hancock, speaking at Socialist Party congress 2008, photo Paul Mattsson

John Hancock, speaking at Socialist Party congress 2008, photo Paul Mattsson

ON 8 March, John Hancock, (above) branch secretary of the Prison Officers Association (POA) in Wormwood Scrubs prison, west London, brought greetings to the Socialist Party’s annual conference…

spotMarch for pay justice

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotDerby nurses fight PFI pay cuts

Health workers rallied outside both the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary (DRI) and the Derby City Hospital (DCH) on 7 March in protest against the threatened cuts in nurses’ pay, writes Staff nurse and Unison member, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.

spotHospital trusts… who makes the decisions?

spotCuts continue despite financial surpluses

Post Office closures

spotStroud – Save our post office!

PEOPLE IN Stroud, Gloucestershire are angry at proposals to close another five local post offices and will be demonstrating through the town centre on 15 March, writes Chris Moore, (Save Our Post Offices campaign)

spotLondon – Fight the closures

Socialist Party feature

spotWorld’s poor hit by rocketing food prices

ONE IN six of the world’s population (854 million) do not have enough food to eat. Every year, despite the recent boom in the world economy, another four million are added to this total.

International socialist news

spotNew period of workers’ militancy in Germany

A WAVE of industrial unrest has swept across Germany in recent weeks – affecting hospitals, local councils, airports, childcare facilities and public transport…

Socialist Party review

spotProfit motive and the whispering wind

This is a pilgrimage to cemeteries, graves, monuments and plaques commemorating pioneers, martyrs and countless anonymous fighters of the US workers’ movement…


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