Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist, issue 528: Perks for MPs - Bonuses for the bosses - Cutbacks for us!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 528

8 April 2008

spotPerks for MPs – Bonuses for the bosses – Cutbacks for us!

Socialist Party election campaign

spotLondon elections: working class alternative needed

On Thursday 1 May, Londoners will be voting for the Mayor of London and Greater London Assembly (GLA). London Socialist Party secretary, Paula Mitchell, explains the political ideas on offer.

spotSocialist Party: a clear difference from ‘free market’ policies

spotExposing daylight robbery in Lincoln!

Socialist Party workplace news

spotNUT strike: No more pay cuts!

24 April strikes: National Union of Teachers (NUT) members across England and Wales will be joining the first national teachers’ strike for twenty years on 24 April, writes Martin Powell-Davies, convenor Socialist Party Teachers.

spotDefend the 4: Defend democracy in Unison

spotUnison health conference: Reject the pay sell-out!


Support the campaign to defend the 4

Defend democracy

Public meeting

Tuesday 15 April 7.30pm
Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London WC1

Lobby of the disciplinary hearing

Show your opposition to these attacks and give support to the four as the hearings begin

Tuesday 22 April 8.30am
Holiday Inn, Regents Park, Carburton Street, London W1 5EE

spotWhy should workers pay for the crisis?

spotTube strike called off after winning concessions

spotMuseum strike in Wales

spotNUJ conference

spotNews in brief

Socialist Students

spotStruggle still essential

NUS conference report: Newly elected National Union of Students (NUS) president Wes Streeting, claims students will lose influence on the government if they protest and demand free education, writes Matt Dobson.

spotGet active and fight back!

Post Office closures

spotWinchester: ‘We need our post office’

International socialist news and analysis

spotZimbabwe: Mugabe plans to steal election

ZIMBABWE’S RULING Zanu-PF party has called for a recount of the votes from the 29 March presidential election – even though the electoral commission has still, after more than one week, to release the figures! Dave Carr writes.

spotOlympic Games: Chinese regime fans the flames of protest

spotIreland: “The most cunning and devious of them all” finally goes

spotIsrael – Palestinian Land Day demonstration


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