Articles from the Socialist, issue 560
10 December 2008
Stop job cuts
Share out the work
For a 35-hour week with no loss of pay.
Create more jobs
Nationalise job-shedding companies. For massive investment in public housing and infrastructure projects.
Socialist Party NHS campaign
OVER THE last four years, the health service’s national management board has been expanded from eight to 24 people, writes Judy Beishon.
International socialist news and analysis
Protesters in Greece, photo Xekinima |
THERE HAS been an explosion of anger across Greece following the fatal shooting of a 15 year-old in Athens by police.The killing has acted as a lightning rod for the pent-up anger among the youth and the working class at a government hit by corruption scandals and rocked by economic crisis. Andros Payiatsos of Xekinima (CWI in Greece) reports on this revolt from below.
Queen’s rep suspends Canada’s parliament
Chicago workers occupy factory
Socialist Party editorial
Welfare ‘reform’ – fight these attacks
Editorial: The ‘reforms’ to welfare benefits announced in the Queen’s Speech last week are an attack on some of the poorest people and families…
Crisis loans
Socialist Party campaigns
Usdaw presidential election – support Robbie!
After winning an excellent 40% vote in the election for shopworkers’ union Usdaw general secretary, Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing for president of Usdaw, a shopworker writes.
DNA evidence – Labour’s draconian laws…
Jean Charles de Menezes Coroner restricts inquest verdict
Lewisham’s Greens and the BNP ‘supporters list’
Education fightback
Student struggle in Spain – time of revolt
Student protests against the education reforms in the Declaration of Bologna, part of the 1999 EU agreement, commenced in Spain in May 2008. Johan Rivas and Denise Dudley write.
60,000 march against education cuts in Dublin
Wales – the true extent of student debt exposed
Workplace news and analysis
PCS gains steps towards settlement
The civil service and related bodies have been a particular target of the anti-public sector policies of the New Labour government, writes John McInally, PCS vice-president.
Militant response needed at ex-Visteon plant to save jobs
Car industry in crisis – national meeting
The National Shop Stewards Network is organising a meeting for car workers and those in ancillary industries:
Saturday 14 February 2009, 12-4pm, The Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BS.
Please encourage your union branch/workplace to sponsor this meeting and send delegates (£5 per delegate or visitor).
See also: or PO Box 58262, London N1P 1ET.
Unite against university attacks
In response to continual attacks by Sussex University management, this time aimed at associate tutors (ATs), a rally was held against plans to “casualise” the workforce, writes Lee Vernon and Sarah Wrack.
Hospital trust offers pay cuts for Christmas
Environment and socialism
Water – essential of life or blue gold?
Lack of flood prevention investment by Severn Trent Water was a prime factor in the floods in Gloucestershire, photo Chris Moore |
FRESH WATER IS now talked of in some business circles as ‘blue gold’, just as oil is called ‘black gold’. In these three articles, ROGER SHRIVES draws attention to some of the issues arising from the scandalous private exploitation of water, and calls for water supplies and sewerage to be taken out of the hands of profit-making multinationals.
Socialist Party review
Socialism and left unity – a critique of the Socialist Workers Party
Book review: When people first become interested in socialism they often ask: “Why are there different socialist groups? Why can’t we just get together and fight the common enemy?”…