Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist, issue 557: ‘We’re not taking these job cuts’

Articles from the Socialist, issue 557

19 November 2008

No Job Cuts

spot‘We’re not taking these job cuts’

Super-rich bailed out by public purse while the rest of us are sinking, photo Suz

Super-rich bailed out by public purse while the rest of us are sinking, photo Suz

BT slashes 10,000 posts: BT’s recent announcement of 10,000 job cuts, as well as the loss of pension benefits, is an attempt by senior management to offset their poor performance, writes Bernard Roome, Communication Workers Union (CWU) national executive member, personal capacity.

spotProgramme of action to fight unemployment is needed

spotJCB: Pay cuts haven’t saved our jobs!

Post office closures

spotU-turn over post office card account

Stroud campaign saves Uplands Post Office, photo Chris Moore

Stroud campaign saves Uplands Post Office, photo Chris Moore

In a delayed and surprise announcement last week, arch-Blairite Work and Pensions secretary James Purnell announced that the government is abandoning the competitive tendering process and awarding the continuation of the Post Office Card Account contract to the post office for a further five years from 2010, writes Alistair Tice, Sheffield Communities Against Post Office Closures.

spotStroud post office saved!

spotCoventry fights post office closure

spotLewisham housing: Arguments against privatisation win

spotFast news

Socialist Party workplace news

spotDrop the witch-hunt in Unison fight to Defend trade union democracy

Lobby of Unison disciplinary hearings against the four Socialist Party members, here joined by the Hackney Unison branch secretary, photo Alison Hill

Lobby of Unison disciplinary hearings against the four Socialist Party members, here joined by the Hackney Unison branch secretary, photo Alison Hill

The Socialist has reported extensively on the witch-hunt in Unison. In June 2007, the Unison bureaucracy launched a disciplinary investigation into five union officers. They were attacked for daring to…

spotScotland: Unison local government: Close vote on pay

spotDover port workers strike

spotUnite/Amicus general secretary election

spotIn brief

International socialist news and analysis

spotWorld food crisis: A systemic failure of capitalism

The world could be facing a repeat of this year’s food crisis, as the impact of recession unfolds. This month, despite what has been described as “harvest bumper crops”, the UN Food and Agriculture…

spotDemocratic republic of Congo: Civil war erupts once again

spotG20 conference: Summit for nothing

spotUSA: Challenging the two parties of big business

spotFirst ever all-Germany school students’ strike

spotEyewitness report: Italian students occupy

Socialist Students

spotStudent democracy under attack

The National Union of Students (NUS) extraordinary conference in Wolverhampton on 12 November voted through a raft of attacks on union democracy contained in the NUS governance review, writes Matt Dobson, Socialist Students national organiser.

spotPrivatisation = FE college students suffer


spotSocial workers say: investment needed

Interviews: In the aftermath of the horrific death of ‘Baby P’ the media has been casting around for people on whom to pile the blame…

spotSacked for being pregnant!

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