Articles from the Socialist, issue 529
16 April 2008
‘We’re striking against low pay’
Editorial: 24 April strikes: step forward in pay battle
Unison witch-hunt
Unison witch-hunt: Defend ‘the four’
Onay Kasab, photo Paul Mattsson |
Greenwich Unison branch secretary Onay Kasab is one of four Unison officers currently facing a disciplinary hearing as part of a witch hunt being carried out by the union bureaucracy, writes Susan Wilson.
Stop the witch hunts!
National Shop Stewards Network
Workplace news and analysis
Re-elect a fighting PCS leadership
The elections for the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union have just started, writes Katrine Williams, PCS Wales chair, personal capacity.
News in brief
Global food crisis
Global food prices: anger erupts in mass protests
HUNGER AND malnutrition are getting far worse due to rising food prices. Even those fortresses of global capitalism, the World Bank and the International, writes Jon Dale and Jan Rybak.
How the other 0.01% live
Socialist Party election campaign
Lynn Worthington (left), photo Alison Hill |
SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE election canvassers are being well received on the doorsteps in Wythenshawe in Manchester, writes Lynn Worthington, Socialist Alternative candidate for Baguley ward, Manchester.
Health campaigners fight council cuts
Standing up for socialism: candidate list
Campaign for a New Workers Party – conference 2008
Socialist Party feature
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill: why all the controversy?
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill going through parliament at the moment is causing controversy…
Socialist Party news and views
Housing crisis: Britain’s house of cards
AS THE US economy moves sharply downwards, the threat of a crash in the British housing market is becoming ever more real, writes Marc Glasscoe, Socialist Party Lincoln.
Tax attack hits low paid workers
Water ‘regulators’ hide real prices
International socialist news and analysis
Rising class struggles across Europe
French workers demonstrate in 2003, photo Paul Mattsson |
Striking workers in Greece and Portugal show the wayRepresentatives from European sections of the Committee for a Workers’ International recently discussed events in Europe, particularly Greece, Germany and France.
Italian election: new Berlusconi victory will provoke mass opposition
France 1968: 10 million workers occupied factories
France 1968: month of revolution by Clare Doyle
The radical life of Martin Luther King
Socialist Students
Portsmouth Activists Academy day of debate
On Saturday 12 April, Portsmouth students union, aided by Socialist Students members, held its inaugural Activist Academy, which brought together around 30 campaigners during the course of the day from groups across the south. Will Schafer-Peek, Southampton Socialist Students reports.