Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist, issue 553: ‘Why not save our jobs?’

Articles from the Socialist, issue 553

21 October 2008

Ford workers strike

spot‘Why not save our jobs?’

Fords: Our jobs - here to stay

Fords: Our jobs – here to stay

Billions to save banks: Hundreds of Southampton Ford workers took unofficial action to defend jobs on 20 October, bringing production at the Transit plant to a standstill, writes Nick Chaffey, Southampton Socialist Party.

spotSocialist measures to fight capitalist crisis

Socialism 2008

spotRally For Socialism 2008

Socialism 2008 Rally

Socialism 2008 Rally

spotSocialism 2008 details pdf

spotSocialism 2008 – book here

spotSocialism 2008 website

Socialist Party editorial

spotKeynesianism now trumpeted

Socialist Party campaigns

spotLiverpool: Mass protest wins back the right to campaign!

FOLLOWING MONTHS of protest against Merseyside police harassing and arresting local campaigners, our democratic right to hold stalls and campaign has been re-established, writes Tony Aitman.

spotDemonstrators stop fascist march

spot42-day detention dropped – for now

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPCS members vote to strike

Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) members across all government departments have voted to take strike action against the government’s imposed 2% pay rise maximum, writes Bill Mullins.

spotFight for jobs at JCB

spotStriking against academies

spotProtest at disciplinary action against teachers

spotFast News

Socialist Students

spotBangor students vote to fight fees

Bail out the students - not the bankers! - Campaign to Defeat Fees protest, photo Bob Severn

Bail out the students – not the bankers! – Campaign to Defeat Fees protest, photo Bob Severn

The Campaign to Defeat Fees (CDF) won a victory when students at Bangor University in Wales voted to support the campaign’s aims in a student union referendum, writes Iain Dalton and Matt Dobson.

spotFighting for youth in Lewisham

spotCampaign to Defeat Fees day of action

spotKirklees: The battle to save our schools heats up


spotNHS props up the private profiteers

Comment: With the recent events in the world of high finance, we have seen many examples of the state bailing out private financial institutions, a practice nurse in Wales writes.

spotWe can’t afford private rail. Nationalise the railways now!

International socialist news and analysis

spotIceland: A victim of the casino economy

ITS THREE main banks have collapsed and the currency has effectively ceased trading. And with debts totalling ten times the national income of the country, an Icelandic delegation went cap in hand to Moscow. Per-Ake Westerlund (Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna – CWI in Sweden) reports.

spotAer Lingus threatens to axe 1,500 posts

Socialist Party review

spotPersepolis, directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud

Film review: Based on a graphic novel memoir written by Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis is a treat. An animated film, it is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, mainly, but not entirely, in black and white and very…

spotBlack Power Salute (BBC 4)

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