Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Socialist, issue 586: Militant action pays!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 586

30 June 2009

spotMilitant action pays!

Youth fight for jobs

spot Decent jobs not poverty schemes!

Youth Fight for Jobs protest outside Mandelson's office, photo Ben Robinson

No to mass youth unemployment: Young people make up 21% of the population, but 40% of all those unemployed. In an increasingly decimated jobs market, many young people understandably expect help finding work from the government. But,…

Socialist Party editorial

spotVictories show the way forward for struggles

Clara Osagiede, the RMT Cleaners Grade Secretary for the London Underground tells of the cleaners' struggle for a living wage, photo by Socialist Party

The third conference of the National Shop Stewards’ Network (NSSN) could not have been better timed, coming just one day after the victory of the Lindsey Oil Refinery (LOR) construction workers…

spotTotal’s fat fingers in every pie

spot“We came out with Lindsey and we’ll go back with Lindsey”

Socialist Party campaigns

spotNew Labour’s house building plans amount to just a drop in the ocean

NEW LABOUR, like all the establishment parties, is planning to decimate the public sector after the general election, writes Hannah Sell.

spotPride not profit – London Pride Saturday 4 July

spotCrisis looms in FE colleges

spotTower Hamlets demo

spotCouncils try to gag us

spotCampaign to save Lewisham Bridge school continuing

spotFast news

spotBNP: Looking beneath the suits

National Shop Stewards Network

spotNational Shop Stewards Network Conference Confident and enthusiastic

National Shop Stewards Network conference 2009, photo Suzanne Beishon

Saturday 27 June 2009 may well be remembered for the day the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) really came into its own, writes Dave Gorton, Unite 1/372 branch delegate, personal capacity.

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spot 25 years ago: Liverpool – a city that dared to fight

Liverpool City Council demonstration, November 1983, photo Paul Traynor

ON 9 July 1984 Liverpool City council, led by Militant (the Socialist Party’s predecessor), won a sensational victory over the ruthless Tory government of Margaret Thatcher…

Workplace news and events

spotGlasgow council: Social work dept staff start all-out strike

Frontline clerical/admin workers in Glasgow council’s social work department began an all out indefinite strike action on 1 July, writes Brian Smith, Glasgow Unison branch secretary.

spotJustice for the Shrewsbury pickets march and rally

spotConstruction industry in major crisis


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