Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Socialist, issue 592: We demand real jobs!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 592

9 September 2009

spotOne million unemployed young people: ‘We demand real jobs!’

spotYouth Fight for Jobs action

Youth Fight for Jobs action

Protest at 11am on Wednesday 16 September at the Churchill statue in Parliament Square when the next unemployment figures are announced.
National demonstration in London on Saturday 28 November. Book your transport now.

See for more information.

spotYouth unemployment: Future jobs or fake schemes?

War and occupation

spotBring the troops back now!

Young people protest against war and terrorism in Manchester 2006, photo Manchester Socialist Party

End the war in Afghanistan: “I JUST don’t want anyone else to feel as bad as I feel” said the girlfriend of a soldier killed just five weeks ago as she signed our petition to bring the troops home, writes Alec Thraves and Mike John, (Socialist Party Wales).

Trades Union Congress

spotTUC conference: Workers willing to fight – in spite of leadership

This year’s TUC conference takes place in Liverpool. There could not be a greater contrast between the city’s working class, with their tremendous history of struggle and the TUC leaders, who lack any…

spotSocialist Party TUC meeting

Socialist Party TUC meeting

Tuesday 15 September, 7:30 pm

The Liverpool bar, 14 James Street, Liverpool, (near James Street station)


Brian Caton, general secretary POA

Chris Baugh, assistant general secretary PCS, personal capacity

Tony Mulhearn, Liverpool 47

Jane James, Socialist Party executive committee

spotNo to bosses’ agenda

spotTime to fight back!

Socialist Party workplace news and analysis

spotWorkers’ action can stop NHS cuts

NHS demonstration, photo Paul Mattsson

THE TORIES’ scare tactic, exposing New Labour’s threatened 137,000 NHS job cuts to save £20 billion, is sheer hypocrisy, writes Mick Griffiths, Unison Wakefield and Pontefract branch secretary (personal capacity).

spotPCS members prepare to fight cuts and privatisation

spotUnite election: United Left hustings

spotWitch-hunted Unison member given extra charge

spotConstruction workers protest

spotInaugural meeting to establish a North Wales branch of the National Shop Stewards Network

spotSocialist Party trade unionists meeting

Postal workers strike

spotPostal workers national ballot: Vote ‘yes’ for strike action

Postal workers protest against scabbing managers, photo Bob Severn

Postal workers in the CWU will soon be balloting for a national strike against cuts, job losses and attacks on the union, writes Jane James, Socialist Party industrial co-organiser.

spotProtesting against scabbing managers

RMT action

spotRMT action: Bus workers strike for pay rise

RMT Tube workers strike, photo Paul Mattsson

Vectis bus workers in Newport and Ryde (IOW) took strike action on 3 September over pay. Their picket was well supported with Vestas RMT members joining in in solidarity. RMT branch secretary Keith Murphy…

spotVestas workers: Stop the blades

spotComment: Vestas protest

spotRMT wins no compulsory redundancy position but future battles loom

Marxist analysis: history

spotMarxists and the Second World War

The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were meant as a warning to Russia - Japan was already suing for peace

The seventieth anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War fell on 3 September, writes Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary.

Nuclear weapons were first obscenely deployed at the very end of the war on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

International socialist news and analysis

spotReturn of al-Magrahi to Libya ignites a political storm

Justice Secretary Jack Straw has denied any ‘oil for al-Magrahi’ deal with Libya. However, according to The Times, Straw was personally lobbied by oil giant BP over Britain’s prisoner transfer agreement…

spotNorthern Ireland: Councillor joins Socialist Party


spotFailing academies

IN A desperate move to revive Labour’s failing private academies scheme, education secretary Ed Balls has announced that the government is dropping the £2 million sponsorship criteria…

Socialist Party review

spotCity of Life and Death

THE FILM City of Life and Death depicts the Japanese Imperial army’s infamous massacre of the Chinese city of Nanking in 1937, writes Rob Bishop.


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