Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Socialist issue 607

12 January 2010

Decent jobs - not slave labour

2010 Back issues

spotDecent jobs – not slave labour

Youth Fight for Jobs petition presented to Downing Street, photo Sarah Mayo

Youth Fight for Jobs petition presented to Downing Street in November 2009, photo Sarah Mayo

spotProtest against bankers’ bonuses

Protest against bankers’ bonuses

City of London
20 January 5pm.

See for more details or call 020 8558 7947

spotLeeds City Council Future Jobs Fund is no solution

Trade Unionists and Socialist Coalition

spotLaunch of Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Editorial: After a series of discussions by participants in the ‘No2EU-Yes to Democracy’ European election coalition there will now be a general election challenge under the newly-registered electoral banner, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

No2EU on G20 protest in London, photo Paul Mattsson

No2EU on G20 protest in London, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotLabour’s leadership crisis – time for a new workers’ party

Last week’s crisis in the Labour leadership reveals how scared Labour MPs are of losing their positions in the general election. Two ex-cabinet ministers – Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt, called for a leadership contest to challenge Gordon Brown, writes Steve Score.

spotGlobal warming chills the north

WHAT WOULD we do without some comic relief during this big freeze? Fortunately, we have Telegraph columnist Christopher Booker, writes Pete Mason.

spotThe real cost this winter

spotIceland debt crisis: Make the ‘dirt bags’ pay!

spotNo to County Council cuts in Warwickshire!

spotFast news

Northern Ireland

spotCorruption scandal grips Northern Ireland

THE JAWDROPPING seq-uence of events surrounding Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) MP Iris Robinson soliciting £50,000 from two millionaire property developers has opened a Pandora’s Box of corruption. Gary Mulcahy, Belfast Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), reports.

Socialist Party workplace news

spotFujitsu workers say: “Enough is enough”

I spoke to Trevor Palmer, the local workplace rep at Fujitsu Stevenage when I visited the picket line on 11 January, writes Mark Pickersgill, Stevenage Socialist Party.

spotSignallers’ strike spreads

spotBuses – privatisation means worse services

spotTeesside fight to save jobs

spotTwinings jobs meeting

spotHospital workers battle on

Unison Witchhunt

spotUnison witch-hunt: Shock exposures at Employment Tribunal

Between 15 and 18 December 2009, the case of four Unison branch officers under threat of suspension from office reached its dramatic conclusion at an employment tribunal, a Unison member writes.

Workplace Feature

spotCall centres: Union campaign makes important gains

I was interested to read the recent article in The Socialist by John McInally about the work my union PCS is doing to improve working conditions in call centres in the civil service, writes Paul Newton, PCS rep.

Socialist Party international feature

spotGreece – on the edge of a volcano

Robert Bechert attended last December’s successful congress of Xekinima, the CWI in Greece. This article by him on the present political situation in Greece is based on discussions that took place at that congress.

International socialist news and analysis

spotSri Lanka presidential elections: No to the two warmongers!

LAST WEEK Channel 4 TV news broadcast further video footage which appears to show Sri Lankan army soldiers perpetrating atrocities against the Tamil-speaking minority, writes Senan, Tamil Solidarity.

spotIsrael: Instability, class polarisation and socialism

spotChile – Freedom for Elena Varela


spotHard chimes for Pompey

LESS THAN two years after winning the FA Cup, Portsmouth Football Club is a club in crisis. In unprecedented events for a club in English football’s top division, Pompey have, for the third time this…
