Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Socialist issue 619

7 April 2010

Defend jobs and services - fight for a workers' alternative

2010 Back issues

spotDefend jobs and services – Fight for a workers’ alternative – Vote TUSC

  • No cuts in public services and jobs. For fully funded, publicly owned and democratically run public services.
  • No to mass unemployment. For investment in socially useful job creation programmes, such as house building, youth facilities and other services.
  • Stop all privatisation and take privatised services back in-house…

spotGeneral Election 6 May: A Socialist Challenge

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is a coalition for the millions, not the millionaires. Contact TUSC to help build its election campaigns or invite TUSC candidates to speak at your union branch or workplace. Click here for more about TUSC

Socialist Party editorial

spotMobilise to defend the right to strike

Editorial: Network Rail signallers and maintenance engineers in the Rail, Maritime and Transport workers’ union (RMT) had democratically agreed and planned an effective strike to take place during the four days after the Easter weekend, in defence of jobs, conditions and safety standards…

Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT, speaking to the press, photo Paul Mattsson

Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT, speaking to the press, photo Paul Mattsson

spotLondon Underground workers balloting

Socialist Party election campaign

spotStand up for the millions, not the millionaires!

ARE YOU suffering from this recession? If you’re a low-paid worker, the answer is probably yes. If you’re a fat-cat business executive, the answer is almost certainly no!, writes Roger Shrives.

spotReject the parties of cuts and privatisation

spotSocialist Campaign launched in Coventry

spotNew Labour meltdown in Stoke

spotMaking an impact in Huddersfield

spotHazel Must Go! opposes cuts to Salford NHS

spotTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Socialist Party campaigns

spotCuts bite in north west

Fighting the onslaught on public services: So much for New Labour’s attachment to education and “no cuts” to the NHS. In the north west, private sector employment has been hit by the recession, in many cases even harder than the national average…

NHS demonstration, photo Paul Mattsson

NHS demonstration, photo Paul Mattsson

spotMarch to defend the welfare state

March to defend the welfare state

Saturday 10 April

Assemble 12 noon

Temple Place, Embankment

Rally 2pm Trafalgar Square

Supported by the National Pensioners’ Convention and many national trade unions

spotTories reveal yet more anti-gay bias

spot‘Free schools’ or free-for-all?

spotNews in brief

Socialist Party workplace news

spotNUT conference again calls for action on workload

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference, which took place in Liverpool over the Easter weekend, showed that the conditions teachers now face are similar to those of workers across the public sector where pay and conditions are being eaten away, writes Jane James.

Merlin school teachers on their picket line in March 2008, photo Martin Powell-Davies

Merlin school teachers on their picket line in March 2008, photo Martin Powell-Davies

spotEx-Visteon workers continue fight for pensions

spotIndustrial news in brief

Socialist Students

spotMobilise students and workers to defeat cuts and tuition fees

NUS conference: THE NATIONAL Union of Students (NUS) conference will take place on 13-15 April in Gateshead. At a time when students face huge cuts in universities and the threat of higher fees it could be expected that…

International socialist news and analysis

spotKazakhstan: “change the politicians – or they will change you!”

The economic crisis has hit Kazakhstan harder and faster than most other parts of the world, but this has been met by massive struggles of the workers and poor…

'Kazakhstan 2012 conference’ in opposition to Nazabayev regime

‘Kazakhstan 2012 conference’ in opposition to Nazabayev regime

spotMass protests and strikes continue to shake Algeria

spotTekel workers brutally attacked by police


spotThe real lessons of the poll tax

Readers’ comment: The centre page article about the massive anti-poll tax demonstration of 1990 by Steve Glennon (issue 617) was excellent, mainly because as chief steward, Steve had a very good overview of events, writes Rob Windsor, Socialist Party councillor, Coventry.
