Millionaire ministers savage public services
‘Bloodbath budget’ day protests and meetings
Comprehensive education under attack
Tory Education Secretary, Michael Gove, is rushing an Academies Bill through parliament. Around 600 secondary and 2,000 primary schools found ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted are being invited to fast track to…
Opposing ‘Dickensian’ academy schools in Waltham Forest
Almost 40 people attended the Waltham Forest Socialist Party public meeting to discuss stopping schools in the London borough from becoming academies run by unelected and unaccountable businesses and consortiums
National Shop Stewards Network
Prepare for the battles ahead: The fourth annual conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) takes place in London on Saturday 26 June, writes Rob Williams, Unite convenor, Linamar Swansea, personal capacity.
Unison local government conference: Delegates face huge struggles
Northern Rock throws workers on the dole
Wales Unison: Socialist Party member elected
NHS Scotland – ConDemned to terminal decay
Southampton library staff strike to save jobs
Socialist Party editorial
Labour leadership contest dominated by right wing
Editorial: One issue will overwhelm all others in the coming years – the struggle against cuts in public services. In the first instance this struggle will involve demonstrations, strikes and community campaigns. However, the issue of political representation for workers and young people struggling against the cuts must also be an important aspect of the campaign…
Socialist Party news and analysis
TUSC plans for future elections
“THE Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is not the answer for everything that we need to do as a movement to resist the austerity measures that will come from this Tory-Liberal government”, said the RMT transport workers’ union general secretary, Bob Crow, to a post-election meeting of…
BP’s value plunges as oil spill worsens
Willetts approves tuition fees hike
Bloody Sunday report appears 38 years late
IDS’s ‘anti-poverty drive’ attacks the poorest!
High speed trains and high priced fares
Why we don’t back the Queen’s pay claim
Tower Hamlets: Jobs, homes and services – not the racist EDL!
A victory has been scored in East London as the racist and hooligan English Defence League (EDL) has called off its plan to “hit” Tower Hamlets on Sunday 20 June, writes Paula Mitchell and Naomi Byron.
International socialist news and analysis
Greece: A test bed for ‘austerity’ and resistance
Feature On a visit to Greece at the start of June, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary, attended a meeting of the central committee of Xekinima, the Greek section of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI)…
Spain: Millions of public sector workers strike over brutal cuts
Portugal: Mobilisation against austerity reaches new level
Socialist Party Scotland launched at packed and inspiring meeting