Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Monday, October 14, 2024

The Socialist issue 640

29 September 2010

We need action against the cuts... and a socialist political alternative

2010 Back issues

The Socialist issue 640

Anti-cuts campaign

spotWe need action against the cuts… and a socialist political alternative

Barnet council workers protest at plans to cut services and run a 'no frills' council, photo Suzanne Beishon

Barnet council workers protest at plans to cut services and run a ‘no frills’ council, photo Suzanne Beishon

spotFight the cuts! – demonstrate on 23 October

spotStop wholesale sell-off in Suffolk

spotSuffolk Unison member speaks

spotCouncils must defy cuts

spotChildren’s homes: Bosses’ ‘Tribalism’ defeated

IN SEPTEMBER the government cancelled the contract for delivering improvement in children’s homes with venture capital backed Tribal Group…

spotFighting to save our services

Greenwich, Reading, Hackney, Bristol, Cardiff: Sixty people, mainly local government workers in the Unite union, gathered at Greenwich town hall in Woolwich on Tuesday 21 September to protest at the council’s plan to make £70 million worth of cuts to jobs and services…

spotService users defend Ealing health centres

spotAnti-cuts demonstrations planned so far

Cardiff All-Wales demo 23 October. Assemble Cardiff City Hall at noon. London…
To publicise action in your area email [email protected]

Socialist Party editorial

spotNo ‘lurch to the left’ for Labour

Editorial from The Socialist, issue 640: Does the victory of Ed Miliband over his elder brother David – a modern Cain and Abel drama in reverse with the younger brother ‘knifing’ the elder – represent the dreaded ‘lurch to the left’ feared by the right-wing press…

National Shop Stewards Network Lobby of TUC congress 2010, photo Paul Mattsson

National Shop Stewards Network Lobby of TUC congress 2010, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotStop the NHS sell-off

spotDeath at Kington Court community care centre shows “regime of neglect”

spotUN fails to meet development goals

spotHousing bosses’ pay goes through the roof

spotUnison elections: Socialists stand for a fighting and democratic trade union

Socialist Students

spotStudents: Why we must all protest!

Comprehensive spending review – 20 October: The brutal Con-Dem government’s spending review on 20 October is expected to announce further devastating cuts in jobs and services, writes Becci Heagney, Leicester.

Staff and students unite in protest at Sussex university, photo Socialist Students

Staff and students unite in protest at Sussex university, photo Socialist Students

spotSocialist Students: showing an alternative to cuts and fees

Swansea, Leeds, Lincoln, Brunel, Wolverhampton: Socialist Students members and supporters have had a busy start to what promises to be a busy academic year…

spotDefend students’ democratic rights

Socialist Party feature

spotBritain on the brink

“A tidal wave of protest is rolling towards the coalition government, roaring, foaming, darkening the sky, sucking every political argument into a lethal wall of water, writes Peter Taaffe.

Barnet council workers protest at plans to cut services and run a 'no frills' council, photo Paul Mattsson

Barnet council workers protest at plans to cut services and run a ‘no frills’ council, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party workplace news

spotWhat’s the point of the unions?

Bob Crow, RMT general secretary, addresses National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

Bob Crow, RMT general secretary, addresses National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

spotSouth Wales: Fight for car workers’ jobs

spotBallot victory against social enterprise

spotBosses try to rewrite history

spotWorkplace news in brief

International socialist news and analysis

spotRight-wing government re-elected in Sweden

THE RECENT Swedish elections were historic in many ways. In a polarised vote, with an increased turnout, the right-wing ‘Alliance’ was again the biggest bloc while losing its overall majority. The racist…

spotIs Ireland’s economy going bust?

THE IRISH government has imposed a series of savage austerity measures to reduce the country’s large budget deficit…

Socialist Party feature

spotGlobal AIDS crisis: Profits punish poor

The Millenium Development Goals summit recently brought together the leaders of 140 countries to review the progress made in the decade since the eight development goals were set…
