Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 647

17 November 2010

Fight for your future!

2010 Back issues

The Socialist issue 647

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFight for your future!

NUS student and UCU demonstration against tuition fees and education cuts, photo Sarah Wrack

NUS student and UCU demonstration against tuition fees and education cuts, photo Sarah Wrack

spotMassive student demo shows anti-cuts anger

NUS student and UCU demonstration against cuts and tuition fees, photo Sarah Wrack

NUS student and UCU demonstration against cuts and tuition fees, photo Sarah Wrack

spot24 November – Strike against fees and cuts

spotDefend student protesters!

Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) and Socialist Students have initiated a defence campaign for students who have been charged with an offence following the occupation of the Tories’ Millbank headquarters on 10 November…

spot10 November demonstration: Students fighting back

Three east London students in their first year of college spoke to Sarah Wrack about the protest at Millbank. Why did you go on the demonstration… ?

War and occupation

spotAfghanistan: Withdraw the troops now!

The Nato onslaught on Afghanistan is now in its tenth year. Ten years of horrific brutality inflicted on those who have fought against the invasion and on many thousands of civilians in the areas under…

Demonstrating against war in Afghanistan, photo A Hill

Demonstrating against war in Afghanistan, photo A Hill

Socialist Party workplace news

spotKirklees – fighting £400 million budget cut

After months of delays and deliberation by the leadership of Unison both locally and regionally, Kirklees Unison has voted to ballot for strike action against cuts and redundancies, a Unison member writes.

Kirklees Save Our services trade union protest against cuts , photo Huddersfield Socialist Party

Kirklees Save Our services trade union protest against cuts , photo Huddersfield Socialist Party

spotProtests and meetings against the cuts

Liverpool lobby of council: Tony Mulhearn (holding The Socialist), waiting to speak, Daren Ireland, RMT and President of Liverpool TUC, addressing demo , photo Merseyside Socialist Party

Liverpool lobby of council: Tony Mulhearn (holding The Socialist), waiting to speak, Daren Ireland, RMT and President of Liverpool TUC, addressing demo , photo Merseyside Socialist Party

spotVictory in law centre battle

Manchester law centre staff protest against funding cuts, photo Hugh Caffrey

Manchester law centre staff protest against funding cuts, photo Hugh Caffrey

spotJobs threat in Knowsley

spotBallot cancelled in BA dispute

spotNational Shop Stewards Network: Anti-cuts conference

South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, London NW1 1RG. See also

spotWorkplace news in brief

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotUniversal Credit – a thinly veiled attack on the sick and unemployed

The government launched its white paper proposals for universal credit to replace most of the current benefit system with a barrage of publicity that sought to demonise the unemployed. Jane Aitchison, PCS union president of the Department for Work and Pensions (personal capacity) investigates.

spotCoalition turns back the clock on justice

spotTories promote fast food nation

spotFast news

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

spotThe Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition launches its campaign for the 2011 local elections

We need councillors who will fight the cuts! “These cuts will hurt”, warned the Tory chair of the Local Government Association, Lady Eaton. “Up to 100,000 jobs in local authorities will go. That’s one in ten of the workforce”, writes Clive Heemskerk.

Socialist-led Liverpool city council's struggle in 1983-87 led to mass demonstrations and thousands of new council houses built, photo Dave Sinclair

Socialist-led Liverpool city council’s struggle in 1983-87 led to mass demonstrations and thousands of new council houses built, photo Dave Sinclair

International socialist news and analysis

spotIreland: ‘Not simply a crisis but an absolute disaster’

THE ECONOMY in the Irish Republic is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and the government may be forced to go, cap in hand, to the European Union to obtain a bailout…

spotIreland: United Left Alliance to challenge at next general election

spotSupport the Laura Ashley strikers

Socialist Party review

spotBritain’s trillion pound horror story

TV review: EVER SINCE the worldwide economic recession started in 2008, Britain’s bankers and big business have been trying to avoid responsibility for the crisis…
