Youth Fight for Education
Youth Fight for Education: No cuts, no fees, save EMA!
Students on the march
No to victimisation, defend student protesters!
Defend university access for all!
Universities occupied over fees and cuts
Anti-cuts campaign
Not one job or one service to be cut
Every time you switch on the TV there is yet more gloomy news about cuts – mostly handed out by millionaires; big business bosses laying off workers to maximise their profit, or their pals in parliament who do their bidding, writes Linda Taaffe, National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) secretary.
National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi
Mass organised action can stop cuts
Editorial: “Ireland will have to cut fast and deep”. These were the words of the Dutch finance minister describing the ‘strings’ that come with the IMF and EU loans to Ireland. The population of Ireland has already…
1,000 march in Gloucester against ‘scorched earth policy’
Fighting cuts: A militant stance is what’s needed
Profiting from the most vulnerable
Government plans are an attack on council tenants
Socialist Party workplace news
On 17 November FBU members from Gloucestershire joined the 2,000 firefighters who poured out of their rally at Westminster and blocked the road outside Parliament, writes Chris Moore, Gloucestershire Socialist Party.
Matt Wrack with firefighters at their rally and lobby MPs against cuts, photo Suzanne Beishon
McCluskey elected Unite general secretary
International socialist news and analysis
Terry Kelleher, CPSU Executive, Ireland, condemns the cuts at the National Shop Stewards Network conference 2010, photo Socialist Party
Scotland and Wales: Don’t accept the ‘hand you have been dealt’
THE CON-DEM government does not only aim to bring in massive cuts in public spending controlled from Westminster. It also wants to push cuts through in the Scottish parliament and the Welsh Assembly. As with cuts in council services, they hope in this way to divert anger away from the Tory and Lib Dem parties. Dave Reid and Philip Stott call for the Con-Dems’ plans to be defeated by a mass fightback similar to that fought by socialists in Liverpool council in the 1980s.
Cholera epidemic sparks clashes between Haitians and UN troops
Massive food price hikes spell disaster for poorest people
THE FINANCIAL speculators and hedge funds that so spectacularly contributed to the financial crisis resulting in the ‘Great Recession’ have now turned their attention to the international food market with devastating consequences, writes John Sharpe.