Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 654

19 January 2011

Unite against all the cuts

2011 Back issues

The Socialist issue 654

National Shop Stewards Network

spotUnite against all the cuts

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

spotDiscussing an NSSN anti-cuts campaign

London anti-cuts demonstration jointly called by the NSSN, RMT, NUT, FBU, PCS and other unions, photo Paul Mattsson

London anti-cuts demonstration jointly called by the NSSN, RMT, NUT, FBU, PCS and other unions, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotSave our NHS!

Government health bill spells disaster for patients and workers: THE GOVERNMENT is planning a massive assault on the NHS in England in its latest health bill. This is on top of billions of pounds of ‘efficiency savings’ ie cuts, in the NHS budget, a London health workers explains…

Socialist Party members on NHS demonstration in 2006, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party members on NHS demonstration in 2006, photo Paul Mattsson

International socialist news and analysis

spotTunisia in revolt

WIDESPREAD PROTESTS over unemployment, high food prices and a lack of democratic rights has resulted in a popular uprising in Tunisia and the overthrow of its hated dictator, president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.
Chahid Gashir, a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), reports on the uprising, its international impact and what programme is necessary to take the revolution forward.

Tunisians defied the repressive forces of the state to overthrow the dictator, president  Ben Ali

Tunisians defied the repressive forces of the state to overthrow the dictator, president Ben Ali

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotMPs’ expenses scam continues: for workers’ MPs on a worker’s wage

ON 7 January 2011 the former Labour MP for Bury North, David Chaytor, was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court to 18 months’ imprisonment for ‘false accounting’ writes Coventry Socialist Party Councillor Dave Nellist (former Labour MP 1983-1992)…

Dave Nellist at NSSN lobby of TUC, photo Suleyman Civi

Dave Nellist

spotOldham East and Saddleworth by-election: A left-wing workers’ alternative needed

THE OLDHAM East and Saddleworth parliamentary by-election on 13 January, a three-way marginal seat last year, was a muted affair in much of Oldham this time, an Oldham Socialist Party member writes.

spotWales referendum: Vote Yes on 3 March – Defend public services in Wales

spotTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

spotFighting cuts in Somerset

Socialist Party youth and students

spotStudent receives draconian sentence

Youth Democratic Rights Campaign: Edward Woollard, the student protester who has admitted dropping a fire extinguisher from the roof of the Tory Party HQ on 10 November 2010, has been handed a 32-month jail sentence, writes Claire Laker Mansfield, Socialist Students.

Police on student demonstration - hundreds of protesters have been injured by police violence, photo Senan

Police on student demonstration – hundreds of protesters have been injured by police violence, photo Senan

spotStudents demand – ‘save our EMA’

November 24th student demonstrations against tuition fees rises and the abolition of the EMA, photo Senan

November 24th student demonstrations against tuition fees rises and the abolition of the EMA, photo Senan

spotEducation Maintenance Allowance: 11 January day of action

Reports from Nottingham, Halifax, Truro, Cornwall and Leeds Notts: After a small rally in the Old Market Square, we marched to a rally outside the Vodafone store resulting in it closing for the rest of the working day, writes Stuart Lambert.

spotUrgent action needed to end youth unemployment

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPCS members vote for battle against cuts

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) members have given a resounding 90% ‘yes’ in an indicative ballot to reject the government’s proposals to rip up their contracts and steal accrued rights on redundancy payments under the Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS), writes John McInally, PCS national vice president (personal capacity).

London anti-cuts demonstration jointly called by the NSSN, RMT, NUT, FBU, PCS and other unions, photo Paul Mattsson

PCS members protest

spotStrike at sweatshop DWP centres

DWP PCS workers on strike, photo The Socialist

DWP PCS workers on strike, photo The Socialist

spotTeachers strike against redundancies

spotHeinz strikes force improved offer

spotCameron ‘thanks’ postal workers by axing their jobs and pensions

spotWorkplace news in brief
