Anti-cuts campaign
Join the fightback against cuts!
Join the fightback against cuts!, photo by Paul Mattsson
Labour councillors’ arguments refuted at People’s Convention
Hundreds pack into Liverpool meeting against cuts
Tony Mulhearn speaking at a public meeting organised by Liverpool Trades Council on Thursday 10 February, to debate the way forward against the cuts, photo Harry Smith
Private tenants are the poor relations in housing
International socialist news and analysis
Egypt: What next after the overthrow of mubarak?
Following the dramatic overthrow of both the Tunisian and Egyptian dictators, protest movements have spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa as the working and poor masses seek to remove repressive regimes…
Egyptian demonstration honours those fallen in the revolution, photo CWI
Egypt – the revolution must go on
Mubarak is no more, relegated to “the dustbin of history”. He was blown away by one of the greatest mass movements in history. An edited version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Socialist.
Workplace news and analysis
Trade unionists, community campaigners and young people from all over South Wales will descend upon Pontypridd on 19 January for a demonstration called by Unison, writes Jamie Davis, Vale of Glamorgan Unison, personal capacity.
South Wales RMT signal workers on strike, pic Socialist Party Wales
Portsmouth anti-cuts campaign presents an alternative
Lobby Outside Council Meeting: Portsmouth Against Cuts Together (PACT) presented an alternative budget to the council meeting, photo by Portsmouth Socialist Party
Rawmarsh teachers’ action wins reprieve
UCU members prepare for battle on pensions and pay
Tata steelworks cleaners’ strike: Around 70 contract cleaners, working for OCS at the Tata Steelworks in Port Talbot, South Wales are taking part in two days of strike action in a dispute over pay…
Greenwich marches against brutal council cuts
200 trade unionists, community campaigners and service users marched in Greenwich borough, south London, against the local council’s brutal cuts package, photo Lorraine Dardis
Worcester: end the cuts and the coalition!
Reject ‘TINA’- fight for socialism
Action across the country – fighting all council cuts
Around 80 protesters gathered outside the Leeds council executive meeting on Friday 11 February to protest against the planned loss of around 3,000 jobs and cuts to mental health and leisure services in the city…
Marxist analysis: history
Britain 1911-1914: The great unrest – lessons for today
100 years ago the working class responded to the terrible conditions imposed on them by taking mass industrial action in what became known as the ‘great unrest’, writes Jim Horton.
Knocking off at harland and Wolf shipyard
Socialist Students
Tuition fees increase spells misery for students: Build a united fightback!
Thousands of young people have had their hopes and aspirations dashed as more and more universities declare their intention to charge the full £9,000 a year tuition fees, writes Claire Laker-Mansfield, Youth Fight for Education.
Young people march for a future: Youth Fight for Jobs and Socialist Students on the 29 January London demonstration against education cuts, photo Senan
Socialist Party reviews
Reviews: The recent deaths of four construction workers in an industrial accident in Great Yarmouth brought the British construction industry’s appalling safety record to the headlines once again…