Anti-cuts campaign
Half-million strong TUC demo, central London, 26 March 2011, against the government’s cuts, photo Senan
The Con-Dems are intent on attacking us on every front. The cuts to the health service will cost lives. Despite promising to ‘ring-fence’ the NHS, billions of pounds of ‘efficiency savings’ initiated…
Save Sure Start services – Westminster campaign, photo Save our Childrens Services
On the move in London to fight the cuts
Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary, speaking about the half-million strong TUC demo, part one, photo Socialist Party
Socialist Party editorial
What we think: The Libyan revolution is at a crossroads. But the turning point is not simply the rapidly shifting battle lines around the Gulf of Sirte…
Libya: the revolution will be televised… NATO intervenes, photo BBC
Socialist Party feature
On 26 March 2011 the British working class took to the streets in an immense show of strength. The massive TUC demonstration against public spending cuts was well over half a million strong, possibly 700,000 or more.
TUC demo 26 March, photo by Peter Knight
Socialists on the 26 March demo
The Socialist Party participated very successfully in the TUC demonstration on 26 March. There were 50 Socialist Party campaign stalls where thousands of people signed our petitions for a 24-hour public sector general strike.
Socialist Party news
Gove’s EMA concession not enough
For school and college students, education minister Michael Gove’s latest announcement of a scheme to ‘replace’ the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) will have left a bitter taste, writes Claire Laker-Mansfield Socialist Students national organiser.
November 24th student demonstrations against tuition fees rises and the abolition of the EMA, photo Senan
MPs back the Jarrow March for Jobs
Seventeen MPs have signed an early day motion backing the Youth Fight for Jobs Jarrow march in October on the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow unemployed march, demanding decent jobs and a free education for youth, writes Paul Callanan Youth Fight for Jobs, national organiser.
Budget fuels determination to fight back!
Socialist receives 12% of the vote in Bellingham, Lewisham
Against cuts? Support the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Pay squeeze Average take home pay is lower today than in 2004, according the BBC’s Panorama TV programme – The Big Squeeze – shown on 28 March. It reckoned that the average worker takes home £1,088 a year less than two years ago after adjusted for inflation.
Socialist Party workplace news
In a magnificent show of determination and solidarity, at 6am on Monday 28 March, 800 construction workers and other trade unionists assembled outside the gates of the Saltend construction site near Hull…
Saltend construction workers protest against being locked out by Redhall, photo Yorkshire Socialist Party
PCS wins ballot in Jobcentre Plus contact centres
Unison health conference: Time for action to defend our jobs, pensions and the NHS!
Vote for a fighting democratic Unison leadership
Unite elections: Ballot papers to elect a new executive committee for Unite have now been sent out and must be returned by 15 April to be counted…
International socialist news and analysis
Portugal Government falls amidst mass protests
The collapse of the Portuguese ‘Socialist Party’ government of prime minister Jose Socrates came during a period of intense economic and social turmoil, writes Danny Byrne.
The consequences of the earthquake disaster in Japan
Resentment and anger need a socialist expression: The human cost of the Kanto- Tohoku earthquake and tsunami will be immense, writes Carl Simmonsm, Kokusai Rentai (CWI Japan).
Socialist Party review
BBC Radio 4’s Analysis programme recently looked at ‘Blue Labour’ (BL), writes Steve Score Secretary, East Midlands Socialist Party.