Anti-cuts campaign
Half-Million strong TUC demo 26 March 2011, photo Dave Beale
Bosses prepare for war on public sector workers
Labour Link won’t save jobs and services
Housing benefit cuts start to bite
Bristol meeting – The battle of our lives has begun
On the move in London to fight the cuts
Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary, speaking about the half-million strong TUC demo, part one, photo Socialist Party
Fight the cuts with TUSC: more than just a ‘protest vote’
Austerity measures take away the basics
Labour ‘campaigning’ – casework style
Socialist history
April 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the riots in Brixton, south London, against police racism, unemployment and poverty…
Building support for a socialist response to the repression after the Brixton riots, photo Socialist Party
International socialist news and analysis
Ireland’s economy on the brink
Within the first month of taking office, after 14 years in opposition, the shine has already come off Ireland’s Fine Gael/Labour coalition government, writes Michael O’Brien, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland).
Jordan: ‘Reforms’ fail to halt growing opposition
Socialist Party workplace news
Saltend lock-out – Solidarity strike spreads
On Wednesday 6 April, hundreds of engineering construction workers at several sites around the country will be taking strike action in solidarity with the 400 Redhall workers locked out from BP Saltend, Hull. An edited version of this article appeared in The Socialist.
Saltend construction workers protest against being locked out by Redhall, photo Yorkshire Socialist Party
Call for strikes to stop Ford attack on pensions
Birmingham prison officers determined to fight privatisation
Prison officers fight prison privatisation: Interview with POA assistant secretary, Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson, POA
Teachers and council workers strike together in Tower Hamlets
Photo Pete Dickenson
Leeds Unison – fighting the cuts
Leeds Unison local government branch, jointly with the other council unions, has recently run a consultative ballot amongst the membership. This is over the employer’s cuts packages, a Leeds Unison steward writes.
Socialist Party youth and students
School students stage anti-cuts strike in Dundee
150 school students walked out of Harris Academy in Dundee on April 1st and marched on Dundee City Council. The walkout was organised and coordinated by Students Defending Dundee Schools (SDDS), a citywide school student led campaign group. An edited version of this article appeared in The Socialist.
Dundee school students stage anti-cuts strike, photo Leah Ganley
Leicester: still angry with Clegg
Leicester Youth Fight for Jobs helped organise a protest against Nick Clegg visit, photo Leicester YFFJ
Tuition fees hike: Of the 24 universities that have so far announced the tuition fees they are intending to charge from 2012, 16 are planning the maximum £9,000 a year for all courses…