Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Fight the cuts: Vote for a socialist alternative
TUSC against cuts
A few TUSC candidates explain why they arec standing. Over the last five years I’ve tried to turn the Greens left, but to no avail. They are obviously good about the environment but have no idea about the class struggle and don’t want to get rid of capitalism,…
Jacqui Berry chairs the rally at Youth Fight For Jobs Conference 2009, photo Paul Mattsson
Fight the cuts – strike, demonstrate, stand against cuts
TUSC election challenge: vote socialist to stop the cuts
May Day Greetings
May day Greetings in The Socialist May 2011
May Day Greetings
Socialist Party news and analysis
No Health Cuts, No Privatisation
Stop Con-Dems’ assault on NHS Hardly a day goes by without some report outlining the crisis facing the National Health Service. This crisis is a consequence of the drive toward privatisation and the most severe financial cuts, writes Roger Davey, Unison, Health Service Group Executive (personal capacity).
Socialist Party members on NHS demonstration in 2006, photo Paul Mattsson
NHS cuts Leeds: Save Yorkshire’s children’s heart surgery unit
Teachers’ conference calls for strike ballot to defend pensions
Teachers strike on 24 April 2008, photo Paul Mattsson
Bristol ‘Tesco riot’ reveals anger
Royal wedding: Not much bread but there’s plenty of circuses
The Roman Emperors dealt with economic crisis with a policy of ‘bread and circuses’. The Con-Dems are determined to leave out the bread and just give us the circuses. Witness the media torrent of sickly…
Socialist Party workplace news
Around 100 people followed a funeral cortege, complete with incense, a coffin and the grim reaper to mark the ‘near death’ of north London and Hertfordshire newspapers in the Tindle group, writes Paul Kershaw.
NUJ strike at Newsquest, photo Nick Chaffey
Management failures force school strike
On 7 April 70 teachers, members of teaching unions NUT and NASUWT, went on joint strike at Darwen Vale High School, Blackburn, Lancashire, and closed the school, writes Paul Gerrard, Bury NUT
National Shop Stewards Network 2011 Conference
The 2011 NSSN conference will be held on 11 June at the South Camden Community School, London NW1 1RG…
Saltend lockout: Struggle continues
On Wednesday 20 April, the Redhall construction workers, locked out from BP Saltend, near Hull for the last six weeks, met to decide whether to accept a £1 million financial compensation package from BP/Vivergo…
Support the Leeds Fed strikers
International socialist news and analysis
Syria: Assad’s regime uses brutal terror to suppress opposition
The Assad regime’s increasing brutal crackdown on opposition in Syria is following in the footsteps of Libya’s Gaddafi and the Bahraini regime as they all attempt to stem the tide of revolution in North Africa and the Middle East, writes Robert Bechert.
Socialist history
Manningham Mills 1890-1891: A strike that changed Britain’s unions
On 27 April 1891, 120 years ago, the great Manningham Mills strike of Bradford textile workers ended after nearly 19 weeks…
Manningham Mills
Socialist Party campaigns
Police assist racist EDL marchers
A combination of Hampshire, Surrey, Metropolitan and Sussex Police – over 350 officers in total – ensured that the far-right and racist English Defence League (EDL) marched through Brighton on 24 April, writes Jon Redford, Brighton Socialist Party.