Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 669

4 May 2011

NHS cuts: Stop the Con-Dem wreckers

2011 Back issues

The Socialist issue 669

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotNHS Cuts: Stop the Con-Dem wreckers

Tory minister Andrew Lansley’s Health and Social Care Bill threatens the break-up of the NHS. What the bill introduces, such as contracting out GP services to private groups and companies, is bad enough…

NHS Cuts - Stop the Con-Dem wreckers, graphics by Suzanne Beishon

NHS Cuts – Stop the Con-Dem wreckers, graphics by Suzanne Beishon

spotNHS: Stop the Connaught closure

Youth fight for jobs

spotJoin the Jarrow march!

March for jobs 2011: Recent research has shown that half of all final year university students say they wouldn’t have applied to university if fees had been £9,000 a year, writes Tom Baldwin.

Dundee school students stage anti-cuts strike, photo Leah Ganley

Dundee school students stage anti-cuts strike, photo Leah Ganley

Socialist Party editorial

spotCracks grow in Con-Dem coalition

From the start the Con-Dem government has been weak. The Tories were forced into a coalition because they could not win a mandate for massive cuts in public spending. With the biggest drop in family income since 1977, and the cuts starting to bite, the unpopularity of the government has grown dramatically. As a result, the cracks in the coalition are widening.

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) on the May Day 2011 in central London, photo Paul Mattsson

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) on the May Day 2011 in central London, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party feature

spotCuts hit disabled people hard

Benefits slashed: Disabled people and family carers are now experiencing an unprecedented attack. Cuts made and planned by the Tory/Liberal coalition will hit the public and community services they use and the benefits…

Cuts hit disabled people hard, photo Paul Mattsson

Cuts hit disabled people hard, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotReview: The monarchy – reserve weapon of the ruling class?

BBC Radio 4’s The Moral Maze programme recently dealt with the monarchy against a background of the circus surrounding the wedding of Wills and Kate…

Tony Mulhearn speaking at a  public meeting organised by Liverpool Trades Council on Thursday 10 February, to debate the way forward against the cuts, photo Harry Smith

Tony Mulhearn speaking at a public meeting organised by Liverpool Trades Council on Thursday 10 February, to debate the way forward against the cuts, photo Harry Smith

spotMay Day in Kazakhstan marked by attacks on socialists

spotCoventry residents’ victory over Academy land snatch

Charterhouse residents in Coventry win first stage of their fight to defend public land, photo Coventry  Socialist Party

Charterhouse residents in Coventry win first stage of their fight to defend public land, photo Coventry Socialist Party

spotFast news

Socialist Party workplace news

spotMore teachers vote for pensions strike ballot

Headteachers have voted overwhelmingly to ballot for strike action over pension cuts. At the annual conference of the National Association of Head Teachers 99.6% voted for a ballot, while 0.4% abstained.

spotRotherham teachers strike again to defend their union rep

spotNational Shop Stewards Network

Socialist Party feature

spotParis commune 1871: When workers “stormed heaven”.

The mass struggles against dictatorships and poverty sweeping North Africa and the Middle East encourage workers and young people in the region and internationally to seek to learn from previous revolutionary movements, writes Niall Mulholland

Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Already posted on the Socialist Party website

spotOsama Bin Laden – killed by US forces

US / Pakistan: The US government has announced a successful military assault on a large mansion in Abbottabad, near Islamabad, which has resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, writes Tony Saunois, from, website of the committee for a workers’ international, CWI. (An edited version of this article appeared in The Socialist issue 669.)

spotSocialists elected to leading positions in Greenwich Unite

spotSolidarity action builds for BP/Vivergo Saltend workers

Scaffolders and electricians, employed by contractors for Vivergo, voted by about 90% to walk out again in support of the locked out Saltend Redhall workers, photo by  Socialist Party

Scaffolders and electricians support the locked out Saltend Redhall workers, photo by Socialist Party
