Socialist Party NHS campaign
Who’s banking on the NHS, photomontage by Chris Bird and Leon Kuhn
Socialist Party workplace news and analysis
PCS conference: prepare for united action on 30 June
John McInally, national vice-president of the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), explains, in a personal capacity, some of the main issues facing delegates to this year’s conference…
Part of the PCS contingent on the massive 26 March TUC demonstration, photo Senan
Crucial time for Saltend dispute
Defending trade unionism on London Underground
In a ballot for strike action to defend two transport union RMT reps, the result was overwhelmingly in support, an RMT member writes.
Library cuts hit staff and users: time for action against the cuts
The library service I work for has been told to cut over £1 million. Immediately this has led to the cutting of overtime for staff and the effective scrapping of a casual pool of labour which we have come…
Socialist Students
Students occupy against cuts at London Met
On 4 May 30 students began an occupation of London Metropolitan University in defence of courses and services there, writes Claire Laker-Mansfield, National organiser, Socialist Students.
Students protest against cuts, photo by Senan
Youth and Student news: Tory education minister David Willetts’ latest crackpot idea to make more money out of young people’s education is to allow universities to charge rich students more for extra places, writes Ben Robinson.
Socialist Party election analysis
Government Con-Demned at ballot box
TUC demonstration 26 March 2011, photo Dave Beale
TUSC shows alternative to Con-Dem and Labour cuts
Roundup: 174 candidates, standing in 50 councils, contested the English local elections under the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) umbrella, polling over 25,000 votes…
Campaigning for TUSC in Swansea, photo by Socialist Party Wales
Labour wins Welsh Assembly election –
SNP landslide – but it will be a government of savage cuts
Edinburgh demonstration, photo by Ray Smith
Socialist Party news and analysis
Defend independent living rights
In April, Elaine McDonald, a former prima ballerina with the Scottish Ballet, took her fight to maintain her dignity and stop cuts to her care package to the Supreme Court, an Independent Living Fund user writes.
Pensioners and elderly disabled people protesting against cuts in services outside Waltham Forest council, photo Paul Mattsson
Con-Dems put squeeze on democratic rights
Bahrain repression: Muted criticism of West’s ally
An article in the Guardian on 5 May proclaimed that “a Tory local council has halted controversial ‘virtual council’ plans to outsource all its services, after public opposition to spending cuts and a collapse in staff morale triggered a political revolt by backbenchers.”, writes Roger MacKay, Ipswich & District TUC.
International socialist news and analysis
UN report on Sri Lanka war crimes
How can justice and democratic rights be secured?: A United Nations (UN) report published on 29 April on the final phase of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009 reveals “credible allegations” of war crimes perpetrated by the ruling regime of president Mahinda Rajapaksa…
100,000 strong demonstration calling for an end to the war in the north of Sri Lanka , photo Paul Mattsson
Socialist Party reviews
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Book review and anniversary: The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell is a classic book, which every socialist should read…
Robert Tressell Banner, made for the Robert Tressell Society in Hastings, showing The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.
Review: Panorama on housing: The human impact of the crisis
By talking to some of the people affected, the Panorama programme on 4 May gave a rare glimpse on prime time TV, of the human impact of the housing crisis, writes Paul Kershaw, Unite LE 1111 housing workers’ branch, personal capacity.