Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 672

25 May 2011

Unite to stop the cuts

2011 Back issues

The Socialist issue 672

What we think

spotWeak and unpopular coalition can be defeated

Members of the teachers' union NUT on the 26 March TUC demonstration, photo Suzanne Beishon

Members of the teachers’ union NUT on the 26 March TUC demonstration, photo Suzanne Beishon

Anti-cuts campaigning

spotNational shop stewards conference – Unite to stop the cuts

The mood to fight the cuts, which brought over half a million onto the streets on 26 March, has been boiling up. Thousands of trade unionists have voted to support strike action against the cuts, writes Linda Taaffe, National Shop Stewards Network secretary.

National Shop Stewards conference: unite to stop the cuts, credit The Socialist

National Shop Stewards conference: unite to stop the cuts, credit The Socialist

spotAs the cost of living soars…: ‘We are going to fight back’!

spotAn offer we must refuse

spotWhy Liverpool needs a needs budget

spotShowing an alternative to cuts in Dorset

Defending the NHS

spotBattling to defend the NHS

In the Con-Dems’ Health and Social Care Bill the NHS faces a serious attack on its very existence. But the huge anger the Bill has inspired is putting massive pressure on the coalition government. Here…

March to save the NHS 17 May 2011 , photo Paul Mattsson

March to save the NHS 17 May 2011 , photo Paul Mattsson

spotNHS demo in London needs to be a step towards united national strike action

March to save the NHS, photo Paul Mattsson

March to save the NHS, photo Paul Mattsson

spotUnison leaders failing to adopt the demands of health workers

spotChallenging Tories’ plans to kill our health service

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPCS conference: developing strategies for struggle

PCS conference was genuinely historic. Delegates voted overwhelmingly to support the national executive’s emergency motion calling for an industrial action ballot to oppose the government’s attacks on…

PCS workers strike , photo Paul Mattsson

PCS workers strike , photo Paul Mattsson

spotUCU facing battles on all fronts

spotSouthampton city council workers strike

Southampton refuse workers strike, 23.5.11

Southampton refuse workers strike, 23.5.11

spotThree day strike to stop redundancies at Sheffield College

UCU lecturers on a three day strike to stop redundancies at Sheffield College  , photo A Tice

UCU lecturers on a three day strike to stop redundancies at Sheffield College , photo A Tice

spotFirefighters discuss strategy to fight cuts

spotWorkplace news in brief

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spot“We are London Met Uni, not EasyMet”

In April 2011 London Metropolitan University announced the closure of 70% of its courses, since then a joint campaign by staff and students has been fighting to defend the university

UCU  members on strike at London Met university in 2009 say No Job Cuts, Save our staff, and Education not for sale , photo Paul Mattsson

UCU members on strike at London Met university in 2009 say No Job Cuts, Save our staff, and Education not for sale , photo Paul Mattsson

spotAtos Origin – profiting from pain

spot‘Slutwalk’ protests: Women reject sexism

Over recent weeks a number of issues have come up which highlight the degree of sexism women face, here and internationally, and the opposition to it

spotSlave labour schemes must be resisted

Reviews and comments

spotLeadership failed print workers in vital battle

Wapping exhibition review: Throughout May the Marx Memorial Library (MML) in Clerkenwell Green, London has been largely given over to the ‘News International Dispute; 25 years on’ exhibition, writes Bill Mullins.

Demo supporting the 1986 Wapping print workers strike, photo Mick Carroll

Demo supporting the 1986 Wapping print workers strike, photo Mick Carroll

spotReview: The street that cut everything

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotMcNulty’s railway report: not ‘value for money’!

Sir Roy McNulty’s railway ‘value for money’ report, commissioned by the government, seems to blame and penalise workers for the failed privatisation policies of successive Tory and Labour governments

National Shop Stewards Network national conference 2010, Steve Hedley, London Regional Secretary, RMT, photo Socialist Party

National Shop Stewards Network national conference 2010, Steve Hedley, London Regional Secretary, RMT, photo Socialist Party

spotCare homes privatisation hits the elderly

31,000 people living in care homes face uncertainty over their future, writes John Sharpe.

spotNews in brief

International socialist news and analysis

spotEyewitness report: Mass youth protests in Spain

Since 15 May, central squares in towns and cities across Spain have been occupied. In the run up to the local and municipal elections which took place on 22 May, the mainly young protesters demanded real democracy

Madrid: Spain’s town squares filled with tens of thousands of indignados (angry people), mainly youth, in protest at the anti-social consensus of both PSOE and the PP , photo Sarah Wrack

Madrid: Spain’s town squares filled with tens of thousands of indignados (angry people), mainly youth, in protest at the anti-social consensus of both PSOE and the PP , photo Sarah Wrack

spotIreland: ‘Reclaim the unions’

spotGreece: Resist bosses’ agenda and the far right

Greece’s second 24-hour general strike held this year, on 11 May, saw massive workers’ participation and completely paralysed every aspect of economic life in Greece
