Socialist Party feature
As the cuts bite, millions ask: ‘Does it have to be like this?’
Despite protests in Athens their country “is busted” and even “a socialist revolution would not change that reality”, claims the Independent newspaper. Peter Taaffe busts the myth and explains the socialist alternative.
Photo Paul Mattsson
Building for 30th June
Con-Dems’ pension attack – brutal class warfare must be fought
John McInally, national vice-president PCS, personal capacity: The government is attempting to steal £2.8 billion from public sector pensions in Britain. This is a brutal act of class warfare directed against millions of mainly low-paid workers
HMRC PCS members’ strike, Sherbourne House, Coventry 8.6.11 , photo Coventry SP
Busting the public sector pensions myths!
Staffordshire NSSN builds support for 30 June action
Hillingdon workers back the pensions strike
A large crowd gathered in Friends Meeting House in Uxbridge on 16 June for a special Hillingdon Against the Cuts (HAC) meeting to build solidarity and support for the public sector pensions strike on 30 June.
Socialist Party workplace news
Strike action to defend Royal Mail jobs
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) recently announced its intention to hold a national strike ballot if any postal worker, anywhere in the country, is made compulsorily redundant.
Communication Workers Union, CWU, lobby of parliament over the privatisation of Royal Mail postal services Feb 09, photo Paul Mattsson
Leeds Unison urges members to reject council’s final offer
Unison members in Wales protest against privatisation, photo Socialist Party Wales
Coleg Morgannwg: Victory over victimisation
Barnsley lecturers fight job cuts
Unison conferences discuss action on pensions
In the days running up to Unison’s local government conference, on 19-20 June, general secretary Dave Prentis made announcements to the press about strike action to stop pension attacks.
Half-million strong TUC demo, central London, 26 March 2011, against the government’s cuts, photo Paul Mattsson
Socialist Party news and analysis
Con-Dems are presiding over a growing social catastrophe: The latest government figures show that the number of people approaching their council as homeless is 23% higher than at the same time last year, writes Paul Kershaw.
Housing: homeless person, photo Paul Mattsson
Con-Dems still plan to destroy NHS – Save our health service!
The Con-Dems’ tinkering with the Health and Social Care Bill has not stopped their assault on the NHS or their agenda of privatisation, writes Andrew Walton, Unison rep (personal capacity), Leicestershire Partnership Trust.
International socialist news and analysis
Greece’s debt crisis threatens worldwide banking system
Workers resist Pasok’s savage cuts and privatisation programme: Greece’s deepening sovereign debt crisis is threatening to destroy the eurozone and trigger a worldwide banking collapse, according to the International Monetary Fund…
Xekinhma, Greek section of CWI, photo Stephan Kimmerle
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Finsbury Park – No to A4e cheap labour schemes
Southern Cross bosses demand huge cuts in pay and conditions
After announcing 3,000 job cuts Southern Cross, the near bankrupt private care homes company has demanded that its workforce accept a new contract of employment that borders on slave labour
Reviews and comments
100,000 strong demonstration calling for an end to the war in the north of Sri Lanka , photo Paul Mattsson
Readers’ comment: apprentice sexists
Fighting the cuts
Southampton: strikes set to continue
Following the failure of ACAS arbitration talks on 16 June, Unite and Unison have announced further strike action to intensify the pressure on Southampton council.
Photo Paul Mattsson
200 workers challenge Labour council cuts
Photo Senan
Labour MP fails to answer questions on cuts
At a trades council and University and College Union (UCU) meeting in Haringey, north London, attended by around 30 people, Labour MP David Lammy was billed as one of the speakers
Comprehensive education under attack
This year was supposed to be a special year for Coventry – a celebration of 50 years of comprehensive education in the city, writes Jane Nellist, Coventry NUT, personal capacity.
School students and teachers protest against academies at Tile Hill Wood school in Coventry, photo Coventry Socialist Party