30th June strike and after
After the superb 30 June strikes, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary, addresses the question everyone is asking
30 June coordinated strike action by the PCS civil service union and NUT, ATL and UCU teaching unions, photo Paul Mattsson
Thursday 30 June was a great day of action for UCU – on our second strike day this academic year…
24-hour public sector general strike as next step to beat the Con-Dems
Just over a year ago, the Tory/Liberal coalition took power, promising to ‘fix’ the country. How have they done?
Labour – condemned for condemning strike
Alan Guest, Branch Chair of the POA at Send Prison, Woking, took the morning off work to support the pickets on 30 June. He sent a message of support…
Walkout at Wormwood Scrubs prison
30 June pension strike reports
The 30 June coordinated strike action by the PCS civil service union and NUT, ATL and UCU teaching unions was a historic event
Socialist Party news and analysis
Leaked memo shows government lied over its homeless policies
Welfare cuts could make 40,000 homeless according to a leaked letter sent on behalf of Eric Pickles by his private secretary to the prime minister on the planned benefit caps
Dilnot report: A disservice to disabled and older people
The ‘independent’ report, Fairer Care Funding, by the Dilnot commission has predictably failed to address the primary cause of the current crisis in social care – the underfunding of local authority social services by successive Tory and New Labour governments.
Durham Miners’ Gala: Miliband pulls out
Stop the racist and divisive EDL
Racists Out! Youth against Racism in Europe marches for jobs and homes not racism, photo Paul Mattsson
Time to defend abortion rights… again
Socialist Party workplace news
Southampton council workers strike on same day as teachers, lecturers and civil servants
NB Update appended on 5 July. Last Thursday Southampton was covered by picket lines at colleges, universities and civil service offices. In addition, selective action at the council continued
Photo Paul Mattsson
Birmingham – the fightback begins
In Birmingham on 30 June, striking teachers, lecturers and civil servants were joined by thousands of local government workers who are fighting brutal attacks on their terms and conditions
Leeds Unison members decisively reject the council’s final offer
Leeds Unison members have opposed the council’s latest offer by an overwhelming 85% with only 14.5% voting to accept, out of a turnout of 31.3%.
Fawley refinery construction engineers summarily sacked
Fighting pension cuts and the anti-union laws
Interview with Joe Simpson, POA assistant secretary. An important part of the action on 30 June was the well-attended lunchtime protest meetings held outside many prisons by the POA…
Successful NSSN meeting in Coventry
Following on from the inspiring national conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN), supporters of the NSSN in Coventry called a meeting titled ‘What next after 30 June?’
International socialist news and analysis
East Belfast riots: Only united working class action can prevent further attacks
The rioting in the Catholic enclave in the predominantly Protestant east Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 20 and 21 June – the worst in recent years – did not appear from a blue sky
Kazakhstan: Striking oil workers attempt to break news blockade
Further threats made against strike leaders and supporters: Oil workers’ strikes in West Kazakhstan are now into their second month of taking strike action…
The Irish ship to Gaza in Palestine, part of the Freedom Flotilla 2, has been sabotaged whilst sitting in Dublin harbour preparing to sail.
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
All workers: unite to fight for decent jobs
Dundee school students stage anti-cuts strike, photo Leah Ganley
High street job cuts: Jane Norman worker speaks out
Socialist Students meeting prepares for new term
Youth Fight for Jobs: campaign moving forward
On Sunday 3 July Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) held an open steering committee where 30 young trade unionists, students and unemployed activists met to discuss the progress of the campaign.
Day-Mer festival support for 30 June pensions strike
Socialist Party reviews
One of the false arguments against socialism and communism is that these ideas are ‘foreign’. Karl Marx was a German Jew and a follower of the German philosopher Hegel. ‘Revolution is something that…
A Common Treasury by Gerrard Winstanly Verso
Socialist Party