News International scandal
Murdoch sleaze spreads: The News International (NI) phone-hacking scandal goes right to the top of society – and every day the crisis gets deeper and wider. NI’s billionaire owner Rupert Murdoch’s bullying tactics have already exposed the rotten deals and self-serving manoeuvres of Britain’s ruling class.
Cameron – Cuts with a smile, photo Suz
Get rid of Cameron, Murdoch and all they represent
Socialist Party news and analysis
Capitalism stuck in a blind alley
Determination to struggle grows: On 14 and 15 July members of the National Committee of the Socialist Party met. This article is based on the introductory speech given by Socialist Party general secretary Peter Taaffe…
Newcastle: 30 June coordinated strike action by the PCS civil service union and NUT, ATL and UCU teaching unions , photo Elaine Brunskill
Anti-cuts news and campaigning
‘No cuts’ budgets or ‘parallel’ budgets?
Unison strategy to fight council cuts: At the recent Unison national delegate conference in Manchester, Unison’s Standing Order Committee declared that the union could not discuss ‘no cuts’ or ‘needs’ budgets because it could place the union “in legal jeopardy”
Half-million strong TUC demo, central London, 26 March 2011, against the government’s cuts, photo Paul Mattsson
Legal Aid Bill – Access to justice is under attack
For those of us working in legal aid, the initial government Green Paper – Proposals for the Reform of Legal Aid in England and Wales – heralded a massive attack not only on our jobs, but also our clients, the welfare state and the principle of justice, writes Paul Heron.
Immigration Advice closure shows need for industrial struggle
Stop Swansea coastguard closure
Southampton council workers’ struggle continues despite imposition of new contracts
Labour takes axe to Sure Start in Liverpool
Privatisation and cuts undermine the NHS
The chief executive of UHL (University Hospitals Leicester) has threatened that staff will not be paid in August and September, if current spending rates continue at Leicester’s hospitals
Marching against NHS cuts and privatisation , photo by Paul Mattsson
A day in the life of a student nurse: Overworked – but happy to help
Socialist Party workplace news
Bromley Unison reps resign in protest at union’s disgraceful actions
Bromley council Unison’s officers and stewards have resigned from Unison and are to join Unite
Defend the Four protest lobby against Unison outside Congress House , photo by B. Severn
South Yorkshire journalists start all-out strike
Strike solid at BBC Leeds office
Renationalise Bombardier to save jobs
London NSSN meeting – ‘real debate’ on preparing for coordinated action
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Defending state education – Brighton academy victory
I was a governor at Varndean school for over four years because I passionately believe in a properly resourced comprehensive education system, open to all regardless of their background, writes Dave Richards, former Varndean governor
School students and teachers protest against academies at Tile Hill Wood school in Coventry, photo Coventry Socialist Party
TUSC: Building an electoral challenge to Con-Dem and Labour cuts
Over 60 Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) election candidates and agents from the May elections assembled in London on 16 July to discuss May’s results and plan for next year
Tolpuddle says: ‘step up the action’
The Work Programme: is it only chasing people off benefits?
I have been on Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) for 12 months. I finished education last year and have found it near impossible to find a job, writes a job seeker in Coventry
International socialist news and analysis
South Africa: Massive metal workers’ strike
As the Socialist goes to press, the two-week strike by workers belonging to the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (Numsa) has been settled, with the union claiming to have won above inflation pay rises and concessions over the use of temporary workers though labour brokers…
Selling the Socialist
News International heads’ grovelling adverts apologising for “the wrongdoing that occurred” will have done little to redeem them in the eyes of people outraged by recent revelations about phone hacking, writes Sarah Wrack, the Socialist sales organiser.
Socialist Party review