Action to defeat the cuts!
Strike together to defend pensions
Newcastle: 30 June coordinated strike action by the PCS civil service union and NUT, ATL and UCU teaching unions , photo Elaine Brunskill
Mobilise the power of the working class
Mobilise the power of the working class
The Socialist editorial
Mass workers’ movement – the only way to make the super-rich pay
It is a sign of the bankrupt nature of modern capitalism and its political representatives that taxation of the rich is so low some of them are asking to pay more
Half-million strong TUC demo, central London, 26 March 2011, against the government’s cuts, photo Senan
Socialist Party news and analysis
Tory bribes to promote socially divisive ‘Free Schools’ agenda
Students in England and Wales returned to school this week. If Tory education secretary Michael Gove could give one piece of advice to them what would it be? asks James Kerr
School students and teachers protest against academies at Tile Hill Wood school in Coventry, photo Coventry Socialist Party
Reject health bill attacks on abortion
The riots, Clarke and the “broken penal system”
Glyn Travis and Joe Simpson, assistant secretaries of the prison workers’ union POA set out some of the key issues in prisons following the riots
New pamphlet – The Rise and Fall of the Scottish Socialist Party
Socialist Party feature
Consequences of 9/11: a world turned upside down
Ten years after the twin towers came crashing down in New York, Peter Taaffe assesses the changed world situation. In the aftermath of that terrorist attack, US imperialism unleashed mass slaughter in Afghanistan and Iraq.
9/11 attack
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Bristol marches against home care sell-off
‘Main political cliques all support privatisation’: “Thank you, you are bloody marvellous,” ended Bob Taylor’s emotional speech at a Bristol rally on Saturday 3 September against the selling off of home care in the city
EDL kept out of Tower Hamlets by thousands protesting
On 2 September Chris Bryant (Labour MP for Rhondda) was in Tonypandy. When I saw him I thought it was a perfect opportunity to confront him about the brutal cuts in the NHS, especially in mental health…
Socialist Party workplace news
Scotland – Unison calls for pensions strike
The mood among Unison members for strike action on being forced to pay more for a worse pension was driven home at the Scottish local government Unison conference on 2 September, writes a Glasgow Unison member.
Unison Social care workers on strike in Scotland, photo Duncan Brown
Picket lines at police stations
Socialist Party youth and students
75 years ago 200 unemployed men from Jarrow marched from their home in the North East to London to demand jobs and an end to their poverty conditions. Youth Fight for Jobs is marching their route again
Youth Fight for Jobs :: March for Jobs :: Jarrow to London :: October 2011
One in a million…fighting back!
Socialist Party review
Book review: ‘Them and Us’ by former Observer editor Will Hutton, originally published in 2010, is now available in paperback. Bob Severn reviews the book…
International socialist news and analysis
Libya after Gaddafi – Independent workers’ action needed
Almost every day there are warning signs of the dark shadows that Nato’s intervention has thrown over the Libyan revolution, writes Robert Bechert, Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).