Socialist Party news and analysis
15 October: day of intercontinental resistance
Anti-capitalist protest outside St Pauls in London following the Wall Street protests – We are the 99%, photo Paul Mattsson
Scandal reveals corrupt influence of big business on government
Rocketing rents leave tenants facing eviction
Socialism 2011
Join the fightback!: If you want ideas about how to defeat this government of millionaires book your Socialism 2011 ticket today!…
Socialism 2011
What we think
Mass movement needed to save our NHS
Marching against NHS cuts and privatisation , photo Paul Mattsson
Socialist Party workplace news
On 14 October, over 40 workers from the Remploy factories in Porth, Abertillery and Aberdare attended a public meeting along with 20 supporters to build the campaign to fight the government’s closure programme.
Remploy workers rally against closure threat, photo Bob Severn
Construction electricians march on Blackfriars
Socialist Party youth and students
We are the 99% – Fighting for our future
“As an unemployed prospective nursing student who can see the NHS being cut back and privatised to the point of being unrecognisable, I see the Jarrow march as an important campaign”
Youth Fight for Jobs Jarrow March 2011 launch demonstration in Jarrow, photo Paul Mattsson
Anti-union, low paying, bullying bosses
Birmingham youth service ravaged by cuts
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Not guilty: Jury rejects the politically motivated charge of ‘conspiracy’
Courtesy of British Transport Police and the Crown Prosecution Service, nine people were recently given an unwanted insight into the British justice system and the frontline of political policing
On Monday 17 October the Dale Farm residents’ legal challenges to their eviction from a former scrap yard in Essex reached the end of the line, with Justice Ouseley rejecting challenges to the legality of Basildon council’s operation, writes Dave Murray, Basildon.
More London trade unionists support call for anti-cuts candidates
International socialist news and analysis
Strikes must be democratically controlled by unions’ ranks: The announcement by the Greek Pasok government on 7 October of a new bill savaging the jobs and conditions of public sector workers provoked an explosion of struggles, strikes and occupations in almost every part of the public sector in Greece
Socialist Party review
Book review: Coming out just days after the chief executive of Liverpool FC announced proposals to keep even more of the money from TV rights for the richest clubs in the Premier League, the timing of the latest edition of John Reid’s book Reclaim the Game could not have been sharper, writes Chris Newby, London Socialist Party.
Socialist history
Hunger marches – When the unemployed fought back
“Why all this unrest? It seems in the rebound from the anxieties from the war, we are all trying to get something for nothing. We must not ask for the impossible” – Mayoress of Southport, 1922