Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, December 13, 2024

The Socialist issue 705

15 February 2012

Fight Austerity

PDF | 2012 Back issues

The Socialist issue 705

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Fighting the cuts

spotFight Austerity

Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy… : The misery facing the Greek people is summed up by the human tragedy of hundreds of families giving up their children because they can no longer afford to feed them

Part of the PCS contingent on the massive 26 March TUC demonstration, photo Senan

Part of the PCS contingent on the massive 26 March TUC demonstration, photo Senan

spotBuilding the battle for pensions

spotUpdate: pensions battle – Build for the biggest possible action on 28 March

spotStudents to walk out 14 March

Young Socialist Party members prepare: On Saturday 11 February the National Union of Students (NUS) announced the date for a walk out against education cuts

International socialist news and analysis

spotGreece erupts as government and ‘Troika’ impose new savage cuts

Workers and left parties must organise serious campaign to kick out the government: On Sunday 12 February the Greek parliament voted for the new austerity cuts demanded by the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank – the ‘Troika’…

Xekinhma, Greek section of CWI, on massive general strike in Greece on 15 June 2011, photo Stephan Kimmerle

Xekinhma, Greek section of CWI, on massive general strike in Greece on 15 June 2011, photo Stephan Kimmerle

spotSyria: Anti-regime protesters facing ferocious repression

spotKazakhstan: Workers’ leaders under threat of abduction or arrest

Urgent protests needed: Esenbek Ukteshbaev, president of the Kazakhstan Trade Union, ‘Zhanartu’ (‘Renaissance’), and vice-president, Ainur Kurmanov have been on an extended visit in Moscow as a result of threats to their lives from the Nazarbayev dictatorship in Kazakhstan

Socialist Party review

spotAnother attempt to assassinate the legacy of Leon Trotsky?

Condemnation of Leon Trotsky is well-trodden ground for so-called biographer Robert Service. Service was condemned by The American Historical Review (June 2011), which considered his ‘biography’ of Trotsky

Leon Trotsky reading The Militant newspaper in 1931

Leon Trotsky reading The Militant newspaper in 1931

NHS campaigning

spotPrivate hands off our NHS!

Lansley’s Bill can be stopped by a mass movement uniting health workers, trade unions and community campaigns, with a national Saturday demonstration to fire the signal that the battle has started, writes Jon Dale

On the 'Save the NHS' march, 3 November 2007 , photo Paul Mattsson

On the ‘Save the NHS’ march, 3 November 2007 , photo Paul Mattsson

spotWe can save our NHS

spotLlanelli marches to save hospital

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotMore murky doings in Murdochland

Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people, photo Paul Mattsson

Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people, photo Paul Mattsson

spotThem & Us

Socialist history

spotThe battle of Saltley Gates

Forty years ago today, a miners’ strike for a fairer pay system saw some of the biggest demonstrations of workers’ power since World War Two. Heath’s government was trying to enforce a pay restraint policy in the teeth of rising inflation, writes Bill Mullins

Socialist Party workplace news

spotStagecoach South Yorkshire – management getting desperate

It was -15C. Bus drivers started picketing in Rotherham at 4.30am, on their 11th strike day

Picket line at Stagecoach,  Rotherham depot 8.2.12 , photo by Alistair Tice

spotWorkplace news in brief

NSSN conference: details of 6th annual conference

Readers’ comments

spotShould socialists support the Green Party?

In issue 703 of the Socialist, Socialist Party member Alec Price criticised the Green Party’s claim to be an anti-cuts alternative to New Labour. Below we carry the correspondence that has followed

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotSocialist councillor leads fight to restore EMA

Coventry Socialist Party councillor Dave Nellist is campaigning against education cuts and tuition fees

Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor. addresses Socialism 2011, photo Senan

Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor. addresses Socialism 2011, photo Senan

spotRacism in football back in the headlines

