Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Socialist issue 893

16 March 2016

Strike to fight cuts budget

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The Socialist issue 893

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotStrike to fight cuts budget

Tory Chancellor George Osborne is introducing yet more severe spending cuts. Osborne justifies this new savagery because of a faltering economy.

spotJoin the fight against poverty pay and zero-hour contracts!

spotAngry tenants march in London

“Housing Bill, no way – can’t pay, will stay!” chanted thousands of angry tenants, housing campaigners and trade unionists on the Kill the Housing Bill demonstration

spotTories cut disabled dignity for tax breaks

spotDon’t give state funds to reactionary Ukip and Tory EU ‘outers’

spotTUSC names first 2016 election challengers

The TUSC steering committee has approved the first batch of candidates for 5th May.

spotUkip stands right-wing Tories for Welsh Assembly

Ukip has selected right- wing ex-Tories Mark Reckless and Neil Hamilton to head regional lists for the Welsh Assembly elections this year, writes Dave Reid.

spotNHS Bill – anger over Labour ‘s lack of support

The bill aims to reverse the pro-market measures introduced by successive Tory and New Labour governments

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us.

Low pay feature

spotLiving wage lie: end low pay with £10 an hour now!

A feature on low pay featuring articles by a Tesco worker, a public sector trade unionist and the experiences of a zero-hour contract worker

Socialist Party workplace news

spotUnions must back junior doctors

spotStriking to save sixth form colleges

Members of the NUT in sixth form colleges are on strike today against funding cuts, mergers and closures

spotDoctors out in force for third phase of action

Junior doctors in England have been striking in force again on 9-10 March against a worsening of their contracts

spotTrading extension defeated

Retail workers will be celebrating the defeat of plans to devolve Sunday trading rules to local authorities

spotA day in the life of a painter and decorator

Like the vast majority of tradespeople I am self-employed, bound by a ‘zero-hour contract’, I have no sick pay, no holiday pay, and no entitlements to rights as a worker. But for the moment I have paid work which will provide for my family. I work every day of the working week and sometimes weekends when necessary.

spotMay Day greetings in the Socialist

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles.

Socialist Party feature

spot25th anniversary of release of Birmingham Six

Dave Nellist remembers the campaign that led to the release of the Birmingham Six

International socialist news and analysis

spotBernie Sanders’ campaign at a crossroads

The anti-big business and pro-worker message of Democratic Party ‘socialist’ candidate Bernie Sanders continues to resonate strongly among voters in the presidential primaries

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotPent Valley student speaks: Save our school

In my local area we are campaigning to save Pent Valley School from closure (as previously reported in the Socialist). However, Pent Valley is not the only school that needs saving, writes Bethany Smith, sixth form student.

spotBig boosts at Northern Socialist Party conference

The Socialist Party northern regional conference acted as a political springboard, giving us a big boost for the tasks ahead, writes Elaine Brunskill, Northern Socialist Party secretary.

spotInvigorating and inspiring South West day school

spotTUSC urges Leeds Council to take action on private rents

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) lobbied the executive board of Leeds City Council on 9 March when it discussed what action to take regarding the growing private rented sector

spotSprint finish for fighting fund in Nottingham as the quarter enters home straight

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotFeatured letter: Capitalism says blame yourself

After reading Amalia’s article on mental illness (see, ‘Mental health: my battle for the help I needed’), I tried really hard to put my own story down on paper, writes James Collett, Gloucestershire Socialist Party.


Letters to the Socialist’s editors.

spotObituary: Max Neill, 1966-2016

Socialist Party members in the North West and beyond were saddened to hear of the loss of longstanding comrade, Max Neill, on 29 February.
