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NHS: underfunded, under attack
Kick out the privatisers, tax the super-rich: Surprise, surprise. Theresa May’s so-called birthday present to the NHS – an extra £20 billion a year by 2023 – isn’t quite the generous gesture it seems
NHS at 70: a fight for our lives!
The NHS faces a fight for its survival, battered by austerity and privatisation – and only socialist policies can save it
Thousands march against NHS cuts and privatisation
Thousands of NHS campaigners and workers marched through central London in defence of our health service on 30 June
Welsh Labour NHS hypocrisy at Tredegar rally
Speakers denounced Tory attacks on the NHS in England but glossed over Labour cuts to NHS provision in Wales
What we think
Editorial of the Socialist: Recent figures show that union membership and strikes are at historically low levels. The effect on workers is disastrous.
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Socialism 2018: a weekend of discussion and debate
Join us on 10-11 November to discuss austerity, Trump, Corbyn, racism, Brexit, Marxism, trade unions, women’s liberation – and more
Issue 1000 extra 1,000 sales target smashed!
Spycops inquiry – dancing to the police’s tune
Despite being established over three years ago with a proposal to finish in 2018, the undercover policing inquiry is now scheduled to finish in 2023
Socialist Party news and analysis
Social care funding crisis: no to an age levy – make the super-rich pay
We all know how desperately needed a funding solution is for social care and the NHS. But it can’t be found through ordinary people chipping in even more to pay for it
Tories pledge three-year private tenancies: fight for rent caps and council homes
Under pressure, the Tories have promised to introduce three-year minimum tenancies. But we need real security, rent caps and a mass building programme of council housing
EU lets 200 refugees drown in three days
Fight for jobs, homes and services for all: Isn’t it a coincidence that none of those dying in the Mediterranean have been super-wealthy members of the elite?
British state complicit in torture and rendition: put Blair and Straw in the dock!
The Tories and Blairites must go – along with the whole rotten capitalist system which demands war for profit, and the unaccountable, repressive state which defends it
It’s onw world for the super-rich and another for the rest of us. Profits for the bosses,slanders for firefighters; workers need 27% raise, bosses double wealth
Clown signs NHS petition in Swansea
International socialist news and analysis
#AmazonTax shows need for socialist fighters
The betrayal of this campaign by the Democrats exposed their inability to offer any alternative to Trump
Obrador’s crushing victory gives hope to Mexico’s poor
Mexico’s presidential election on 1 July saw the left anti-establishment candidate Amlo top the poll with 54%, crushing his establishment opponents
‘CAS nunca mas’: stop mass lay-offs and precarious contracts in Peru!
Precarious public sector workers in Peru are suffering an appalling attack by the neoliberal government
US unions facing new challenge after Supreme Court ruling
The judgement ended the practice which allows unions to seek “fair fees” from non-union members who benefit from collective bargaining
Workplace news and analysis
Probation service: ‘You are not a priority’
“Is anyone being physically attacked?” Not yet. “Then you are not a priority,” say the police.
Treasury imposes civil service pay limit – vote Yes to strike action
Only by voting Yes in the PCS union strike ballot, closing 23 July, will the government take notice
Bin workers take strike action after talks with Kirklees council collapse
Kirklees bin workers are striking action from 3 to 9 July against a bullying manager
Victory for London’s young workers in privatiser’s non-payment of ‘living wage’ scandal
Unite the Union has won a victory in its campaign to make London leisure services privatiser Greenwich Leisure Limited pay the London Living Wage to those aged 18 to 20
Socialist Party members have big impact as Unite conference kicks off
Socialist Party members won motions on public ownership and combating racism and the far right
Yorkshire NSSN meeting starts coordinating struggles
The first National Shop Stewards Network meeting in Harrogate on 27 June brought together fighting trade unionists including NHS, college and rail workers
Swansea postal workers strike to defend colleague
Postal workers in Swansea will ballot for strikes in support of fellow Communication Workers’ Union member Rodders, sacked after being accused of not following ‘door-to-door’ unaddressed mail delivery procedure
New publication: Workers’ control and workers’ management
New book by Ted Mooney, leader of the 1960 apprentices’ strike – in which 100,000 young workers took part
Do you have something to say? Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Austerity in schools; capitalist authoritarianism rising