Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Socialist issue 1015

24 October 2018

“May hanging by a thread” - Tories out, general election now

PDF | Audio | 2018 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1015

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What we think

spot‘People’s vote’ should be a general election

Editorial of the Socialist issue 1015: On 20 October hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of London demanding a ‘peoples’ vote’ on Brexit.

Workplace news

spotSupport RMT strikes against the elimination of guards on trains

Rail safety – people before corporate profit: For over two years private rail franchise companies across the country have undermined the safety of passengers through the attempted implementation of driver-only operation.

spotGlasgow council workers – historic strike for equal pay

spot3aaa collapses – 4,500 apprentices left guessing their futures

For the last two years I’ve been working as an apprentice through the training provider Aspire Achieve Advance or 3aaa.

spotPCS legal win – build further pressure from below to defeat the Tories

spotLadywood Primary school strike


spotUniversal Credit could trap women in violent relationships

The introduction of Universal Credit, under which families can lose £200 a month, has rightly provoked outrage

spotBlairites plan to expand their very own academy chain

You would think that Labour politicians would be in favour of running schools that meet children’s needs, unpolluted by the pursuit of profit and accountable to the communities that uses them. Well, these values are not held by Blairites who are at odds with Corbyn’s plans to scrap the semi-privatised academy schools system.

spotTories ensured Carillion meltdown went unchecked

The story of the catastrophic collapse of Carillion took an even more shocking turn recently

spotMPs revel in £2m worth of free foreign trips

Over the last two years, 340 UK MPs have benefitted from more than £2 million worth of free overseas trips, a recent BBC report reveals

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us including pay cuts for nurses, a new job for Nick Clegg and racist policing in Britol.


spotWelsh Labour leadership election: ‘Corbyn candidate’ must pledge end to austerity

The volatility of the political situation is obvious in Wales: by the time this year ends, every political party in the Welsh Assembly will have replaced its leader at least once.


spotJoin the fight for refugee rights

The unprecedented refugee crisis continues to affect millions of innocent people across the globe. On average, one person is displaced every two seconds. At the end of 2017, there was a record figure of 68.5 million people displaced across the world.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotCan you donate to the Socialism 2018 appeal?

We are asking all our members and supporters to donate to the Socialism 2018 finance appeal. We set ourselves a target last year of £30,000, which was surpassed with a record collection of £42,000.

spotEnthusiastic response to new podcast

As we go to press episode four of ‘Socialism: the podcast of the Socialist Party’ has just been published. Many were pleased to hear that the Socialist Party’s publications are expanding to this new media.

spotStudents and workers march for increased college funding

Over 1,000 teachers, lecturers and college students marched through central London on 17 October to demand the end to Tory cuts and austerity in education.

spotJoining the Socialist Party has helped me understand the world and how we can change it

I started going to Socialist Party meetings out of curiosity. In all honesty I wasn’t entirely sure whether any of the ideas I heard could be achieved. Surely political change is made by ‘politicians’, not people on the streets?

spotHealth services in meltdown – fight to save our NHS

In the last two years, infant mortality rates in England and Wales have risen for the first time in over a century.

spotNewcastle Utd fans’ campaign against owner Mike Ashley continues

The second public meeting of the anti-Mike Ashley Magpie Newcastle United fans group was held on 3 October with hundreds of Newcastle United supporters again turning out to discuss the way forward for the Ashley Out campaign.

International socialist news and analysis

spotGermany: Bavarian elections and huge anti-racist demonstration mark an historic weekend

According to the German media, an “historical event” took place on 14 October: the regional elections in Bavaria.


spot1821 Cinderloo uprising: “The crowd thought it had nothing else to lose”

Recently, a group in Telford, Shropshire has highlighted events that took place in the county in 1821, known as the Cinderloo uprising. The very name indicates the national effects of the growing Chartist movement and the events of Peterloo two years earlier.

spotThe Socialist Inbox

Letters to the Socialist’s editors including Labour Party re-admittance and crime and cuts in Liverpool.
