Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Socialist issue 978

17 January 2018

Cuts cause NHS crisis

PDF | Audio | 2018 Back issues

The Socialist issue 978

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotCarillion crisis: demand action to save jobs and services

Tens of thousands of Carillion employees fear for their jobs and pensions after the company announced liquidation – it must be taken into public ownership

spotNHS crisis: under pressure from all angles – end cuts and sell-offs!

“Staff are desperate for change” says a nurse. “They were literally overrun” says an A&E patient. But strikes and mass campaigning can save our NHS.

spotVictory! Trump’s UK visit cancelled by fear of protests

Both Trump and Theresa May feared the visit would spark mass demonstrations against his racist and bigoted views and policy agenda

What we think

spotCorbyn’s Labour needs 100% anti-cuts strategy and fight for democracy

Left NEC victories, Williamson resignation, council tax debate… What strategy can defeat Tory and Blairite austerity?

International socialist news and analysis

spotTunisia: explosion of protests against government austerity

Hundreds detained in indiscriminate arrests: The explosion of protests against the new Finance Act has again put into perspective the liberal commentators’ fairytale about Tunisia’s ‘successful democratic transition’

spotStop repression in Hong Kong and China

‘Article 23’ would make it a criminal offence to oppose the Chinese dictatorship, and could outlaw socialists in Hong Kong

Workplace news and analysis

spotRMT strikes against driver-only operation continue

“Everyone passing understands that this strike is about rail safety”

spotMini-strike wave continues and intensifies

spotHackney school cleaners strike

Unite the Union members working in six schools in Hackney will be striking to defend wages and year-round contracts

spotPCS union 2018 elections – nominate the left slate for a continued fighting leadership

PCS members can nominate candidates for the national executive committee at their branch annual general meeting in February or March – the Socialist Party supports the Democracy Alliance

spotHome care workers to strike

spotWorkplace news in brief

Woolwich ferry workers vote to strike against job and pay cuts; vote Amy Murphy for a fighting democratic Usdaw union president

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotWe must fight all council cuts!

During January and February many council budget-setting meetings take place, slashing millions more pounds off vital services – and despite Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity leadership, many are run by Labour

spotNo to the Woolwich monster block

If Greenwich council and property developers get their way Woolwich’s skyline will soon be unrecognisable

spotUndercover policing legal challenge

The government has failed to inquire into undercover policing operations in Scotland

spotHeating scandal on east London estate

The heating and hot water supply to 200 residents on the private Barking Riverside estate in east London was threatened by asset strippers in the middle of winter

spotLobby pushes Liverpool council to oppose privatisation

Around 70 people lobbied Liverpool council to protest against ‘accountable care organisation’ privatisation proposals

spotPacked Newham meeting against academies

If a new round of pro-academy Blairite councillors are selected, then campaigners may feel there is no choice but to stand against them in May

spotSocialist Party women’s meeting brings together members to share experiences

A great opportunity for socialist women from all over the country to share views and experiences, build political confidence and explore issues of particular relevance to women

spotSouthern Socialist Party conference

Since 2015 referendums and elections have gone the wrong way for the Tories and the ruling class


spotOpinion: foster care is work – carers deserve workers’ rights

Many foster carers cannot maintain a day job if they have a challenging young person to care for, and so rely wholly on their council allowance

spotOpinion: British imperialism can take no credit in fight against Isis

Even if we ignore the “collateral damage,” British imperialism’s role in Iraq can hardly be considered positive

spotTheatre: ‘Young Marx’ shows growth in great platform for his ideas

If any work of art has a progressive impact on political attitudes and understanding, it’s done a good thing
