Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Socialist issue 985

7 March 2018

UCU strike: bosses on the run

PDF | Audio | 2018 Back issues

The Socialist issue 985

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What we think

spotMay’s EU speech kicks the can down the road

The closing line of Theresa May’s speech – “now let’s get on with it” – will have led to jeers of frustration from any workers listening.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotNHS: public health – not private profit

The Tories make dangerous claims like ‘we’re all living longer’ and ‘people are demanding more treatment’. Of course people want the most up-to-date and effective treatment, it’s 2018.

spotSnow chaos showed the bosses’ coldness – but also workers’ grit

spotToys R Us, Maplin: worsening retail crisis claims more jobs

Trade unions must fight for public ownership: Big high street retailers Toys R Us and Maplin have gone under, with a number of other familiar names like Mothercare rumoured to follow

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us – featuring China’s haves and have-nots.

International Women’s Day 2018

spotCapitalism oppresses women – fight for socialism!

International Women’s Day: When the twenty first century dawned, young women in the US and much of Europe were being told that equality was within their grasp.

spotWomen’s oppression: the struggle goes on

spotThe Socialist inbox: International Women’s Day

A special International Women’s Day collection of letters to the Socialist’s editors.

Socialist Party workplace news

spotUCU strike: bosses on the run

As University and College Union (UCU) members hit the midpoint of our 14-day programme of escalating strikes, it’s pretty clear from the picket lines that years of fees, cuts and marketisation have created an army of low-paid and casualised lecturers, tutors, researchers and support workers, and a supporting cast of furious students.

spotNational lecturers’ pension strike continues

spotWhole lotta shakin’ goin’ on in Merseyside DOO dispute

Saturday 3 March saw another solid strike across the Arriva Northern and Merseyrail railway franchises by guards defending their jobs

spotPCS: Re-elect the left and fight for decent pay

spotHull workers united against bosses

In a determined and clear show of solidarity, more than 150 workers in Hull rallied in support of University and College Union members from Hull University on strike to defend pensions, railway workers from the RMT striking to keep a guard on every train and the FCC strikers battling to win sick-pay rights.

spotFCC Environment strike solid

International socialist news and analysis

spotSyria: No ceasefire for ‘hell on earth’ eastern Goutha

Eastern Goutha, outside Damascus, is “hell on earth”, according to United Nations (UN) chief Antonio Guterres.

spotJapan – toxic legacy of the Fukushima disaster

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotSalford nurseries consultation delayed

After a huge public meeting of 250 angry parents and staff demanded that Salford council “fight for the five” remaining council-run nurseries, mayor Paul Dennett has agreed to do just that

spotDonate to the Socialist Party building fund

spotHands Off HRI campaign group meets Corbyn and Ashworth

40 hardy souls from the Hands Off HRI campaign braved the bitterly cold and snowy weather at 6am to climb aboard a coach from Huddersfield to London to meet with Jeremy Corbyn and shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth on 28 February.

spotTUSC plans to stand on Waltham Forest anti-monster block platform

Socialist Party activists and local residents attended a meeting on 3 March organised by the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) in Walthamstow.

spotDerbyshire says: No fracking way!

“No fracking way” was the chant by the hundreds of people from groups all over Derbyshire and Yorkshire at the end of a three-mile march between Clowne and Bolsover on 24 February

spotCoventry shows solidarity with the Syrian people

A protest was held in Coventry to stand in solidarity with the people of Eastern Ghouta, Syria – where large numbers of people are being killed and injured by bombing.

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotFighting sexual harassment in entertainment

Following the exposure of appalling, systemic sexual harassment and assault in show business, entertainers’ union Equity has launched a campaign.

spotThe Socialist inbox
