Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 1150

6 October 2021

Make the bosses pay, not the workers

PDF | Audio | 2021 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1150

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What we think

spotBakers’ union disaffiliates from Labour


spotSarah Everard trial reveals police abuse of power

spotTories plunge millions further into poverty with Universal Credit cut

spotCapitalist climate hypocrisy

spotRailway bosses cook the books in another capitalist market failure

spotGlasgow’s equal pay battle set to re-erupt

spotPay NHS and care staff to address worker shortages

Workplace news

spotNEU: National executive agrees campaign on pay

spotCoordinated FE strike against measly pay offer

College workers at ten University and College Union (UCU) branches initiated strike action as part of a coordinated fightback on pay on 28 September

spotUnison LG members reject insulting pay offer

In a Unison consultative ballot of local government workers, 79% of members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who voted put a cross on the ballot form to reject the employers’ insulting offer of 1.75%

spotUnite health members say no to 3% and vote for action

spotTesco warehouse rep fighting for reinstatement

An Usdaw rep at a Tesco warehouse who is also a Socialist Party member has been wrongfully dismissed for organising in his workplace, both on the shopfloor and in his union branch, of which he was recently elected secretary.

spotScunthorpe steel scaffolders strike for pay rise

“I’ve worked here eleven years and only ever had one pay rise”, one scaffolder told me on the picket line. Another added: “That was three years ago but was self-funded!”

spotBrighton waste workers walk out


spotCapitalism’s economic instability in the ‘new normal’

Youth Fight for Jobs

spotFighting for our future

spotYouth Fight for Jobs – why we’re marching on 9 October

spotTen years since our 330-mile Jarrow March for Jobs

Campaigns news

spotBarking NHS: “Sorry, please try again later”

spotWe have the right to breathe fresh air

spotNottingham: Punish Labour for cruel cuts

spotLondon protest for Texas abortion rights

spotNorth West socialists join march against Tory conference

spotFighting Fund target smashed – £31,703 raised


spotObituary – Dave Hardaker, 1952-2021


spotCaffeine and capitalism – a symbiotic relationship
